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Holy Moly I know this dude!
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Statistics• Confirmed: True
• Joined: 03 February 2007
• Is Online: False


Jenny Sanchez

(AKA: Jen )
Jenny's Trips & Places

Meanwhile in the same Year: Sinead OConnor was at No.1 on the UK singles chart with Nothing Compares 2 U ...more

Meanwhile in the same Year: Rodney King video ...more

Meanwhile in the same Year: Peace in El Salvador ...more
England, UK Heathrow, England, UK - (1) joined: 11/03/2011 03:39:48
Looking for:

Meanwhile in the same Year: Paid public admission to Buckingham Palace ...more
England, UK Heathrow, England, UK - (10) joined: 11/03/2011 03:43:20
Looking for:

Meanwhile in the same Year: Jackie Kennedy Onassis was laid to rest next to hubby John ...more
England, UK Heathrow, England, UK - (10) joined: 11/03/2011 03:45:54
Looking for:

Meanwhile in the same Year: Ramzi Yousef, the alleged mastermind of the World Trade Center bombing, was arrested in Islamabad ...more
England, UK Heathrow, England, UK - (10) joined: 11/03/2011 03:46:34
Looking for:

Meanwhile in the same Year: Olympic Park bombing ...more
England, UK Heathrow, England, UK - (10) joined: 11/03/2011 03:47:09
Looking for:

Meanwhile in the same Year: A mass suicide in which 39 members of a "Heaven's Gate Cult" in California killed themselves thinking they would be sent up to a spaceship The spaceship did arrive but their tickets had expired. ...more
England, UK Heathrow, England, UK - (10) joined: 11/03/2011 03:47:45
Looking for:

Meanwhile in the same Year: Geri Halliwell, Ginger Spice, anounced that she would be leaving the Spice Girls ...more
England, UK Heathrow, England, UK - (10) joined: 11/03/2011 03:48:23
Looking for:

Meanwhile in the same Year: World Population hits 6 Billion...98% live in Brixton SW9, well it feels like it ...more
England, UK Heathrow, England, UK - (10) joined: 11/03/2011 03:48:49
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Belgium SHAPE, Belgium - (1) joined: 11/03/2011 03:52:57
Looking for:

Meanwhile in the same Year: First Concorde Crash In The Last 30 Years ...more
England, UK Heathrow, England, UK - (10) joined: 11/03/2011 03:49:25
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Meanwhile in the same Year: World population: Population: 6.16 billion but growth rate slowing thank god ...more
England, UK Heathrow, England, UK - (10) joined: 11/03/2011 03:49:50
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United States Of America, USA Litman Law, United States Of America, USA - (1) joined: 11/03/2011 03:58:15
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Meanwhile in the same Year: LostAmigos launched ...more
England, UK Heathrow, England, UK - (10) joined: 11/03/2011 03:50:19
Looking for:

Meanwhile in the same Year: Ariel Sharon elected Israeli prime minister ...more

A bit about Jenny:
American, female living in Dc USA.

Born: Saturday, 01 January 2000. 08,919 Days ago!


Jenny's message to the world:

Jenny's worldly wisdom:
Before you die you must... succeed at something important.

Jenny's Bucket List

  1. Meet more interesting people
  2. Learn more, analyze more, understand more
  3. continue to publish
  4. Travel around the World
  5. get various Degrees

My Headlines

feature coming soon
feature coming soon

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