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Holy Moly I know this dude!
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Statistics• Confirmed: True
• Joined: 03 February 2007
• Is Online: False


Jenny Sanchez

(AKA: Jen )
Jenny's Trips & Places

Meanwhile in the same Year: Microsoft introduces Windows 3.0 ...more

Meanwhile in the same Year: Princess Diana and Prince Charles split. ...more

Meanwhile in the same Year: Fire at Windsor Castle ...more
England, UK Heathrow, England, UK - (1) joined: 11/03/2011 03:39:48
Looking for:

Meanwhile in the same Year: U.S. President Bill Clinton sends 6 American warships to enforce United Nations trade sanctions against the military-led regime in Haiti. ...more
England, UK Heathrow, England, UK - (10) joined: 11/03/2011 03:43:20
Looking for:

Meanwhile in the same Year: Chunnel opens, May 1994 ...more
England, UK Heathrow, England, UK - (10) joined: 11/03/2011 03:45:54
Looking for:

Meanwhile in the same Year: Spains Princess Elena married a banker, Jaime de Marichalar y Saenz de Tejada, in Seville; it was Spains first royal wedding in 89 years. ...more
England, UK Heathrow, England, UK - (10) joined: 11/03/2011 03:46:34
Looking for:

Meanwhile in the same Year: US Military barracks destroyed in Saudia Arabia 19 dead ...more
England, UK Heathrow, England, UK - (10) joined: 11/03/2011 03:47:09
Looking for:

Meanwhile in the same Year: Scientists cloned Dolly the sheep. ...more
England, UK Heathrow, England, UK - (10) joined: 11/03/2011 03:47:45
Looking for:

Meanwhile in the same Year: 2 US Embassies in Africa bombed ...more
England, UK Heathrow, England, UK - (10) joined: 11/03/2011 03:48:23
Looking for:

Meanwhile in the same Year: US Women's Soccer Team Wins World Cup ...more
England, UK Heathrow, England, UK - (10) joined: 11/03/2011 03:48:49
Looking for:
Belgium SHAPE, Belgium - (1) joined: 11/03/2011 03:52:57
Looking for:

Meanwhile in the same Year: The whole world was destroyed by the Y2K bug, NOT! ...more
England, UK Heathrow, England, UK - (10) joined: 11/03/2011 03:49:25
Looking for:

Meanwhile in the same Year: Israel condemns the Palestinian Authority as a [terror-supporting entity] and severs ties with leader Yasir Arafat following mounting violence against Israelis ...more
England, UK Heathrow, England, UK - (10) joined: 11/03/2011 03:49:50
Looking for:
United States Of America, USA Litman Law, United States Of America, USA - (1) joined: 11/03/2011 03:58:15
Looking for:

Meanwhile in the same Year: World Cup Korea & Japan: Brasil 2 - Germany 0 ...more
England, UK Heathrow, England, UK - (10) joined: 11/03/2011 03:50:19
Looking for:

Meanwhile in the same Year: World Population: 6.31 billion ...more

A bit about Jenny:
American, female living in Dc USA.

Born: Saturday, 01 January 2000. 09,174 Days ago!


Jenny's message to the world:

Jenny's worldly wisdom:
Before you die you must... succeed at something important.

Jenny's Bucket List

  1. Meet more interesting people
  2. Learn more, analyze more, understand more
  3. continue to publish
  4. Travel around the World
  5. get various Degrees

My Headlines

feature coming soon
feature coming soon

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