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1989 was a helluva year because: Collin Powell is appointed Joint Cheifs of Staff, highest army post to ever be held by a black officier. and we shuffled our feet to "Shake Your Rump - Beastie Boys" Download Now
Statistics• Place Type: Kibbutz/Moshav
• Photos: 24
• Amigos: 46
• No of Visits: 31171
• Last Visit: 28/09/2024 16:06:00
• Last Post: 25/09/2015 15:58:00
From whenst they came

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Kibbutz Nahal Oz 1989

Israel Middle East
Kibbutz Nahal Oz Amigos 1989. Recognise anyone?
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Hi Ayal i think i found the way to chat. Could you try this one?... read on.
Posted by: Karina Kleijn Comments: 0

Hi Sanjay, Did you get my last message? I 'm hoping you did. Saw Sach's photo. He looks like you. Give my love to all at home. Who is this friend of yours in Kfar ... read on.
Posted by: Sherona Varulkar Comments: 0

Hi Steve, Just saw your photo of children waiting for bus at the kibbutz. Brought back a lot of memories. I have a lot of children photos of Nahal oz. I used to work with ... read on.
Posted by: Sherona Varulkar Comments: 1

Any photos of 'summer '95? I have some but need to upgrade my computer skills drastically. I can't remember any names either... read on.
Posted by: Sherona Varulkar Comments: 0

Misty because That's how, in a drunken haze, I saw things back in 77/78. Apart from the time I played football for Nahal Oz in over 100f and later that day hosed down 106,000 chickens ... read on.
Posted by: Neil Davies Comments: 0

I am thinking of creating a website for Nahal Oz ex-volunteers. If you have any ideas about features, please leave a message here. Thanks! Steve ********* L.A. REPLY************* Why bother when you have ********* ... read on.
Posted by: Steve Plender Comments: 0

I was at Nahal Oz from Sept 77 to June 78, together with my comrade Wendell from Wales. Volunteers who were there will remember Tsvi'ka ('shkadim':Almonds)and his wife Tammy, Kessler, Gayzo,Danny, Benny, Amir,Idsik,Rani ( 'lulim':chickens)et ... read on.
Posted by: Neil Davies Comments: 0

Please post those special moments and messages here... read on.
Posted by: Lostamigos Admin Comments: 0

Please post those special moments and messages here... read on.
Posted by: Lostamigos Admin Comments: 0

I was a volunteer on Kibbutz Nahal Oz in 1980. I made many friends and had a fabulous time. My two regrets are failing to keep in touch with the many people I met and ... read on.
Posted by: Steve Plender Comments: 2


VOTES RESULTS FOR COUNTRY the furteh back in time you go the highe up the waste ourt shortys were . today they atre round our butt cheks so we calculate that in fiv yearsd time... short will be round our ancle which has been a fashoin for some lostamigo for some time

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