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Holiday & Travel, Expats & Backpackers & Kibbutz & Moshav Friends Reunited. Even Pen Pals & Red Coats are in.


Statistics• Place Type: Town/City/Resort
• Photos: 0
• Amigos: 2
• No of Visits: 11101
• Last Visit: 28/09/2024 22:49:00
• Last Post: 08/08/2006 13:05:00
From whenst they came

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Ukiah United States of America, USA North America
Mendocino Amigos . Recognise anyone?
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This town is not very big? If you blink 2
times you might just miss driving through,
the hard part about it is it's all country and
people can really hide in the mountains
if they wanted to. My ... read on.
Posted by: Rhonda Clifford Comments: 0

Maybe it was summer love , being wild
carefree and young, but something happend
I will never forget, The lake was fun,
The sun was hot and so was being with
you. You were my first real ... read on.
Posted by: Rhonda Clifford Comments: 0


VOTES RESULTS FOR COUNTRY the furteh back in time you go the highe up the waste ourt shortys were . today they atre round our butt cheks so we calculate that in fiv yearsd time... short will be round our ancle which has been a fashoin for some lostamigo for some time

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