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Holy Moly I know this dude!
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Statistics• Confirmed: True
• Joined: 11 June 2003
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Hendrik Pistor

Hendrik's Trips & Places
Israel Kibbutz Mizra, Israel - (301) joined: 27/08/2005 00:31:52
Looking for: Itai, Leila, Sophie, Melissa, Jenny, Mikey, Camilla And Her Friend, Ron, Tim, Sohar, Choi

Meanwhile in the same Year: 1998 was a severe weather season, A severe heatwave Hurricane Mitch Hurricane Georges ...more
Israel Kibbutz Ramat HaKovesh, Israel - (269) joined: 11/06/2003 11:41:30
Looking for: Kris, James, Mark, Corne, Bernado

Meanwhile in the same Year: Rare Tornados in Oklahoma and Kansas ...more

Kibbutz Mizra  , Israel 1999
Leila from Finland having a workout at the gym. Or something else... - 1999 ::
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Kibbutz Mizra  , Israel 1999
Our volunteers leader Lila with her family. She helped me a lot. Thank You, Lila! - 1999 ::
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Kibbutz Mizra  , Israel 1999
Me at the kitchen with Sophie from sweden. - 1999 ::
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Kibbutz Mizra  , Israel 1999
The view over the fields towards Mount Tabor. When I arrived in december, everything here was gray and dull, but in spring the whole land became green and alive. - 1999 ::
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Kibbutz Mizra  , Israel 1999
Sophie from sweden at our crazy photo session - 1999 ::
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Kibbutz Mizra  , Israel 1999
Party between the rooms!Lets try the names,from the left:Camilla,Itai, Sophie,Johann, ?, Leila, Linda, Tim, Louise,... - 1999 ::
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Kibbutz Mizra  , Israel 1999
A Party at our TV room. - 1999 ::
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Kibbutz Mizra  , Israel 1999
Tim from Netherlands playing guitar in the rain between the volunteers rooms. - 1999 ::
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Kibbutz Mizra  , Israel 1999
Melissa from Canada and her favorite cow. - 1999 ::
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Kibbutz Mizra  , Israel 1999
A water fight with some crazy girls. Beware of their buckets! - 1999 ::
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Kibbutz Mizra  , Israel 1999
Well, just a crazy photo session with Linda, David(?) and Sophie - 1999 ::
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Kibbutz Mizra  , Israel 1998
Erev Shabbat at the chadar ochel (Dining hall). The Mizra erev shabbat is one of the best I got to know in kibbuztim! - 1998 ::
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Kibbutz Mizra  , Israel 1998
Playing soccer in december! - 1998 ::
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Kibbutz Mizra  , Israel 1998
Believe me, the room was better than it looked! - 1998 ::
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Kibbutz Mizra  , Israel 1998
The first people I met when I arrived. Mikey, Louise and.... - 1998 ::
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Kibbutz Ramat HaKovesh  , Israel 1999
A Roomparty. Lots of alcohol, lots of great people, lots of fun. Hey folks, did you knew that I recorded some sounds and voices of these scene on tape? - 1999 ::
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Kibbutz Ramat HaKovesh  , Israel 1999
My room, one day before I left my kibbutz after 5 month. I really felt like home there! I was home there! - 1999 ::
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Kibbutz Ramat HaKovesh  , Israel 1999
Party behind the volunteers building. - 1999 ::
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Kibbutz Ramat HaKovesh  , Israel 1999
Tal Kravitz at the piano. Our friend, choir leader and guide to the best pizza and bakery shops in Tira or the clubs in Tel Aviv. - 1999 ::
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Kibbutz Ramat HaKovesh  , Israel 1999
Rivka, our teacher, ha mora on the ulpan! We learned a little hebrew but a lot about the culture and the life in Israel. How we loved You singing Yerushalaim shel zahav or the sad Eli, Eli! - 1999 ::
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Kibbutz Ramat HaKovesh  , Israel 1999
Our Zahava, the volunteersleader.She was a bit strict, but we knew, she loved us all! Thank You Zahava for everything You did for us and making this place a home for us! - 1999 ::
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Kibbutz Ramat HaKovesh  , Israel 1999
The main volunteers building. My room was behind the middle door at second floor.on the right side you can see the e-car of Zahava! - 1999 ::
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Kibbutz Ramat HaKovesh  , Israel 1999
The Gan HaPekan with the swimming pool and the swiss-design wedding hall. - 1999 ::
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Kibbutz Ramat HaKovesh  , Israel 1999
The laundry. Here I worked fine days with Kris from the states. Hours of eating cookies and talking about the world, life and gorgeous (there I learned these word) girls. On the picture a swedish/south-african interaction, if I'm right - 1999 ::
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Kibbutz Ramat HaKovesh  , Israel 1999
My working place: The vegetables department of the kitchen! - 1999 ::
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Kibbutz Ramat HaKovesh  , Israel 1999
The Kibbutzway to fight mosquitos! - 1999 ::
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Kibbutz Ramat HaKovesh  , Israel 1999
The Volunteers at our Pessach Table. - 1999 ::
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Kibbutz Ramat HaKovesh  , Israel 1999
A rehearsal of the volunteers choir in front of Tals Home. What was the song?..Ki hine hasta'av avar, Hageshem chalaf .... - 1999 ::
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Kibbutz Ramat HaKovesh  , Israel 1999
Getting some sun in front of the volunteers building. Mark (left) and James from Britain had to move their armchairs every 10 minutes because of the shadow of the building - 1999 ::
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Kibbutz Ramat HaKovesh  , Israel 1999
Glad, a firefighter from Brazil and some kibbutzniks practicing Caipoera, a Martial Art Dance from South America - 1999 ::
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Kibbutz Ramat HaKovesh  , Israel 1999
Caty from Austria and Annemarie from Germany on erev pessach. - 1999 ::
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Kibbutz Ramat HaKovesh  , Israel 1999
me at a "trading places" party pretending to be david from sweden. The angry look was all makeup painted on me by the sweet korean girl Eun Jeon! - 1999 ::
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Kibbutz Ramat HaKovesh  , Israel 1999
The Ulpan Class with our teacher Rivka - 1999 ::
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Kibbutz Ramat HaKovesh  , Israel 1999
Kibbutz Ramat Hakovesh at Pessach in the wedding hall at the Gan HaPekan. Tal Kravitz made the Volunteers sing. I still have it somewhere on tape! - 1999 ::
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A bit about Hendrik:
German, female living in Leipzig .

Got my universtity degree some month ago and am now looking for a interesting job as a political scientist or advisor. Any offers? ;) And of course still missing Israel and my time in kibbuz.

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