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Holiday & Travel, Expats & Backpackers & Kibbutz & Moshav Friends Reunited. Even Pen Pals & Red Coats are in.

Holy Moly I know this dude!
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Bob's Amigos

Statistics• Confirmed: True
• Joined: 11 March 2013
• Is Online: False


Bob choquette

(AKA: Ironhillguy )
Bob's Trips & Places
Israel Kibbutz Gadot, Israel - (131) joined: 09/04/2013 07:04:17
Looking for: Snowy of Wales , Rolf from Germany or Austria, Arnie from USA! Vicky from Mexico, Karen and Kathy from Sausalito, Ron Shapiro aka Woodstock from LA with Ritva from Iceland, vim with Suzie from Niemagen Holland, Opy and Herret from Holland, George Le

Meanwhile in the same Year: The Concorde made its first supersonic flight. ...more
Israel Kibbutz Nirim, Israel - (120) joined: 11/04/2013 17:05:09
Looking for: yan,from Vienna , Woodstock from Canoga Park aka Ron Shapiro and Ritva from Iceland and a whole bunch of other clowns yan,from Vienna , Woodstock from Canoga Park aka Ron Shapiro and Ritva from Iceland and a whole bunch of other clowns like Vim and Suzie, George LeGrady from Montreal, Maria from Toronto Sylvie from Perth Australia, Henry Applebaum from montreal Mich

Meanwhile in the same Year: Major General Idi Amin siezes power in Uganda ...more

A bit about Bob:
Canadian, male living in Irvine USA.

Born: 26th October

Spent some time in Gadot and in Nirim. Worked milking and feeding cows in both places. Had a great time in both places, asked to leave in one place and asked to stay on and become a member in the other. Go figure.

Bob's message to the world:
To the politically naïve and un-informed, don't believe a word uttered by the corporate media talking heads. Look out for they will soon be knocking on your get you.

Bob's worldly wisdom:
Before you die you must... Live, love and screw up

Bob's Bucket List

  1. No Matches.. Creating a New Item.
  2. More travel with my girls in South East Asia

My Headlines
In 1993 I Welcomed Mae and in 1997 welcomed Sue to the world

feature coming soon
feature coming soon

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