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• Joined: 07 January 2009
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Keith Mcgibbon

(Unconfirmed. Cannot send/receive messages)
Keith's Trips & Places
Israel Kibbutz Yehiam, Israel - (135) joined: 07/01/2009 18:15:27
Looking for: Jim Reich Lalo Borojovich Peter Begalla Harry Wijnja Chantal & Pea Richaard Lengenfelder, Mike Heritage

Meanwhile in the same Year: 25 year old women hater walks into Ecole Polytechnique in Montreal and kills 14 women, injuring 13 others before turning the shot gun on himself. ...more
Israel Moshav Ein Yahav, Israel - (91) joined: 16/02/2009 12:18:01
Looking for: Curly Darren, Blonde Darren From Bristol, Rees The Manc, Aidan (all Uk), Big George (usa), Merinda (sa)

Meanwhile in the same Year: Warsaw Pact ends. ...more
Israel Moshav Ein Yahav, Israel - (91) joined: 22/07/2010 10:02:37
Looking for: Darren with whom I went to Masada (Bristol) Darren with whom I went to Jerusalem

Meanwhile in the same Year: Fire at Windsor Castle ...more

A bit about Keith:
English, male living in Bracknell, Uk .

After Yehiam I stayed at Moshav Ein Yahav for 14 months and then lived in Thailand for 11 years. I got married in 2003 and I now live back in England with my Thai wife, Wadsana.

Keith's message to the world:
If people criticize you, they might just have good reason... consider that before you get pissed off, and certainly think before you retaliate.

Keith's worldly wisdom:
Before you die you must... Admit your own faults and make peace with those you love whom you have wronged. Once they're gone, it's too late.

Keith's Bucket List


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