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Holy Moly I know this dude!
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Statistics• Confirmed: False
• Joined: 05 June 2003
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John Norton

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John's Trips & Places
Israel Kibbutz Gesher HaZiv, Israel - (108) joined: 05/06/2003 13:00:16
Looking for: Karen Gordon Alan Feldman Beth Schoenfeld Andree Stephens Peter Stremer Beatte Schappacher

Meanwhile in the same Year: Island Records offered the U2 a contract ...more
Israel Kibbutz Gesher HaZiv, Israel - (108) joined: 05/06/2003 13:48:37
Looking for: Peter Stremer Karen Gordon Alan Feldman Andree Stephens Helga (belgium) Debbie

Meanwhile in the same Year: The first reports of homosexual men dying due to a mysterious breakdown of the bodies' immuminzation system. Becomes known as Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, AIDS. ...more
United States of America, USA Skokie Illinois, United States of America, USA - (1) joined: 05/06/2003 14:00:55
Looking for: Tammi Pales Bruce Pales

Meanwhile in the same Year: South Korean Boeing 747 jetliner bound for Seoul apparently strays into Soviet airspace and is shot down by a Soviet SU-15 fighter after it had tracked the airliner for two hours; all 269 aboard are killed ...more
Israel Tel Aviv (no specific place), Israel - (41) joined: 16/06/2003 13:12:07
Looking for: Sharon Greenslade Rozi Hakak Ronit Judith Silver

Meanwhile in the same Year: LIVE AID in London and Philadelphi, beamed around the world ...more

A bit about John:
British, female living in Birmingham? .

Looking for all old friends ----- INVALID EMAIL SUPPLIED! -----

John's Bucket List


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