zigmeister2 zigmeister2
(AKA: Stu )
zigmeister2's Trips & Places
Kibbutz Kissufim, Israel - (133)
07/11/2024 01:45:09
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Meanwhile in the same Year:
The first reports of homosexual men dying due to a mysterious breakdown of the bodies' immuminzation system. Becomes known as Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, AIDS. ...more
A bit about zigmeister2:
Australian, male living in Sydney Australia.
Born: 9th June
I lived on Kissufim from August 1981 until end of January 1982. I went back for a month in 1984.
zigmeister2's message to the world:
I'm pretty sure the happiest months of my life were spent on Kibbutz Kissufim. 40 years later and I still have close friends from that time.
zigmeister2's worldly wisdom:
Before you die you must... return to visit Kibbutz Kissufim
zigmeister2's Bucket List
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