wacky4chilliwack wacky4chilliwack
wacky4chilliwack's Trips & Places
A bit about wacky4chilliwack:
Canadian, male living in Chilliwack, British Columbia Canada.
Born: 17th February
I travelled the world in the late 60's and 70's. I volunteered on 3 Kibbutzim, Mesilot and Nir David in the Beit Shean valley and Galon near Beer Sheva on the lip of the Negev. I had a lot of fun and was very popular with everyone for my hilarious sense of humour and my joie de vivre. Iweas in a Rock and Roll band on Kibbutz Galon in 78 and we played the Purim party.
wacky4chilliwack's worldly wisdom:
Before you die you must... Eat a Fellafel and Shwarma at the bus station in Afula. Visit the nut shop too. They had great pistachios and shemeshkas.
wacky4chilliwack's Bucket List
My Headlines
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feature coming soon