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Statistics• Confirmed: True
• Joined: 02 July 2005
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Janice Smith

Janice's Trips & Places
Preble Lewisburg Oh, Preble - (2) joined: 02/07/2005 01:32:45
Looking for: Jerry Malott

Meanwhile in the same Year: The Jamaican film The Harder They Come, starring Jimmy Cliff, launches the popularity of reggae music in the United States. ...more
United States Of America, Usa Lewisburg, United States Of America, Usa - (1) joined: 02/07/2005 13:54:35
Looking for: Jerry Malott Mike Reid Terry Ritchie Brenda Mathes Cristy Malott

Meanwhile in the same Year: World Population = 6,394,491,485 ...more

A bit about Janice:
American, female living in Corbin Ky .

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