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Holy Moly I know this dude!
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Statistics• Confirmed: True
• Joined: 10 October 2009
• Is Online: False


Lisa Saunders (was Ginger)

Lisa's Trips & Places
Israel Kibbutz MaAnit (Ma'Anit), Israel - (157) joined: 10/10/2009 17:39:37
Looking for: Francine Johnson (NZ), Stewart (NZ), Sam (Scotland), Paula (UK), Sharon (UK) and any other Volunteers there between Nov 1992 and Feb 1993.

Meanwhile in the same Year: A text-based Web browser is made available to the public ...more
Israel Kibbutz Netiv HaLamed-He, Israel - (101) joined: 10/10/2009 17:53:02
Looking for: Lindzay (SA), Bobby (UK), Dean (SA), Kristen (Sweden), Michelle (UK), Sarah (UK), Shannon (SA), Moussa (USA) and all the other Volunteers there between 1993 and 1994.

Meanwhile in the same Year: Iraq is bombed again- Refusal by Iraq to obey a no-fly zone over it's country, and to dismantle plants capable of nuclear weapon production ...more
Israel Moshav Bnei Atarot, Israel - (10) joined: 13/12/2009 14:26:40
Looking for: Alan & Nicole, Anton & Beverley, Jackie & Peter, Shelley, Debbie & Martin, Carol, Shereen and anyone else there in 1994.

Meanwhile in the same Year: The oldest known human ancestor (Ardipithecus ramidus) is found in Kenya. 4.4 million years old. Cool nearly as old as you ...more

A bit about Lisa:
English, female living in Dibden Purlieu UK.

Born: Wednesday, 20 April 1966. 21,242 Days ago!

Hi Everyone. Settled in Hampshire with my husband, Andy, and 2 daughters, aged 15 and 10. I'm hoping to catch up with anyone I met in Israel between 1992 and 1994.

Lisa's Bucket List


My Headlines

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