Gordon's Trips & Places
Kibbutz MaAbarot, Israel - (155)
27/12/2008 16:13:39
Looking for:
Sim Weisbein (eng)
Meanwhile in the same Year:
Sadam Hussein declares war against Iran for close to a decade over oil rights. ...more
A bit about Gordon:
Australian, female living in Sydney .
Hi amigos, as Sim Weisbein nee Millin has also been looking for me also going by your list of lost amigos in 1980, how is contact made? have you sent her an email? or is it a case of waiting for her to search on the lost amigos website which cauld take years or never as her last search was some time ago. or is it possible for me to get her email address from. I am just not sure how it all works from side of things. cauld you please let me know. thanks
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