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Statistics• Confirmed: True
• Joined: 11 October 2014
• Is Online: False


Zaki Hughes

(AKA: Zanoh )
Zaki's Trips & Places
Saudi Arabia British School, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia - (11) joined: 11/10/2014 09:34:40
Looking for: Mrs. Walker Ms. Thompson

Meanwhile in the same Year: Whitewater scandal begins to be investigated ...more

A bit about Zaki:
English, male living in York United Kingdom.

Born: 1st January

A wanderer, born in the 80s. I traveled wherever my parents went; wherever the world deemed me worthy to sail. I met a lot of good friends, and learned quite a lot of stories in my time.

Zaki's message to the world:
Let each human being have the ability to carve their own path. For it is there, they find meaning and existence.

Zaki's worldly wisdom:
Before you die you must... live life to your fullest. Enjoy the good and the bad, for they shape you for what you desire to be.

Zaki's Bucket List


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