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• Joined: 25 June 2012
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martinhoward58 martinhoward58

(AKA: howie )
martinhoward58's Trips & Places
Israel Kibbutz Ramat HaKovesh, Israel - (269) joined: 27/06/2012 11:04:25
Looking for: paul stibo -steve walker and of course me howie steve walker-stibo and the main group of volunteers from the friday night vodka partys,there are so many i wont to say hi to but i got hurt andd cant remember all the naes sorry take care HOWIE

Meanwhile in the same Year: Second space shuttle, Challenger, makes successful maiden voyage, which includes the first US space walk in nine years ...more
Israel Kibbutz Ramat HaKovesh, Israel - (269) joined: 06/07/2012 10:52:05
Looking for: again i was there for the hole of 84 we used to play the kibbutznics at football if we could get the hall from adolf with the glasses stibo and walks we was always having barbacues we used to go on the tractor to tira to get meat cant wait to hear fr

Meanwhile in the same Year: Indira Gandhi is assassinated. ...more

A bit about martinhoward58:
English, male living in sheffield now england but i lived in israel for 12 years.

Born: Thursday, 23 March 1961. 23,097 Days ago!

i went to live in israel in 1982 and joined the idf in 1983 after making aliur a lonely soilder ihad adopted parents zahava the leader of the vollunteers and my girlfriend was mor, i can remember a guy called stibo and steve walker

martinhoward58's message to the world:
if any of you were at ramat hackovesh between 1982 -1986 i look forward to hearing from you asap

martinhoward58's worldly wisdom:
Before you die you must... go back to israel as that is where my heart and soul is, ineed to go back to eilat to red lion as i have unfinised buisness in kibbutz ramat hackovesh i made some true balls up that i regret up to today.

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