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Statistics• Confirmed: True
• Joined: 15 November 2018
• Is Online: False


Lazlo Lazlo

(AKA: Lazlo )
Lazlo's Trips & Places
Israel Peace Café, Israel - (54) joined: 15/11/2018 01:23:35
Looking for: Fritz (Eger), Vodkás Gyuszi (Budapest), Zozó (Székesfehérvár), Rizsa (Szomolya), Kirk (from Cape Town; worked at Royal Beach), Brett (from Joburg), Michelle (from the Country Road, evening hours), Paul (ex police officer from Durban), Andy (owner of the Country Road), and anyone who spent time sitting on the wall, slept on the beach and other random places
Israel Al Arab Hostel, Israel - (2) joined: 12/12/2018 03:38:46
Looking for: Anyone

Meanwhile in the same Year: Civil war in Rwanda (500,000 people killed) started by Hutu troops against the Tutsi ...more
Israel Peace Café, Israel - (54) joined: 15/11/2018 01:30:40
Looking for: Fritz (Eger), Vodkás Gyuszi (Budapest), Zozó (Székesfehérvár), Rizsa (Szomolya), Kirk (from Cape Town; worked at Royal Beach), Brett (from Joburg), Michelle (from the Country Road, evening hours), Paul (ex police officer from Durban), Andy (owner of the Country Road), and anyone who spent time sitting on the wall, slept on the beach and other random places
Israel Biet H'arava Hostel, Israel - (5) joined: 12/12/2018 03:56:38
Looking for: Anyone who stayed in the beduin tent

Meanwhile in the same Year: Endeavour 8 blasted off to study the far reaches of the universe. ...more

A bit about Lazlo:
Hungarian, male living in London England.

Lazlo's Bucket List


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