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Holiday & Travel, Expats & Backpackers & Kibbutz & Moshav Friends Reunited. Even Pen Pals & Red Coats are in.


Statistics• Place Type: Kibbutz/Moshav
• Photos: 26
• Amigos: 117
• No of Visits: 49702
• Last Visit: 28/09/2024 20:20:00
• Last Post: 30/01/2024 20:13:00
From whenst they came

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Kibbutz Metzer 1900

Israel Middle East
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Dave Andrew (DJ) is looking for you, please can you email him I trust you are well. Jill here, you may remember me I worked in the cows. Hej Dor... read on.
Posted by: Jill Harrington Comments: 0

Anyone who knows me from this period please send a message (maybe you might not want to... l.o.l. !!) It would be so nice to hear from some of my friends, from what were ... read on.
Posted by: Shane Townsend Comments: 0

Hello all, Just found this site and also some names of people I actually forgotten, but now remember. Dear Jan and Marja, Elvis still talks about your cool motorbike and your visit. I really hope ... read on.
Posted by: Lena Eriksson Comments: 0

Still unable to chat or reply to your msg. My e-mail address is daveDOTmacswayneATbtinternetDOTcom Replace DOT & COM just in case web site block transmission of smtp addresses It would be great to hear from ... read on.
Posted by: David Macswayne Comments: 1

Just to let you know the chat, send msg, reply msg does not work - what is your e-mail address? Hope you see this msg it would be great to chat to you......Does Jan still ... read on.
Posted by: David Macswayne Comments: 1

Hi Jan & Marja Which David ? here are some hints I had a sister Ruth MacSwayne My mate Alison Hart knows Peter Astley who worked with Jan & knew Narhum. Jan tried to drink ... read on.
Posted by: David Macswayne Comments: 1

Any thought on another reunion... read on.
Posted by: James Miller Comments: 0

How cheesy was that?... read on.
Posted by: James Miller Comments: 0

Hey Guys 2000/2001 What great times. Anbody remember... read on.
Posted by: James Miller Comments: 0

Our heart felt condolences go out to all the people of Metzer who were so cruelly effected by the recent outrage Our thoughts are with you and your families. God bless and help you through ... read on.
Posted by: Lostamigos Admin Comments: 1

Please post those special moments and messages here... read on.
Posted by: Lostamigos Admin Comments: 0


VOTES RESULTS FOR COUNTRY the furteh back in time you go the highe up the waste ourt shortys were . today they atre round our butt cheks so we calculate that in fiv yearsd time... short will be round our ancle which has been a fashoin for some lostamigo for some time

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