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Holiday & Travel, Expats & Backpackers & Kibbutz & Moshav Friends Reunited. Even Pen Pals & Red Coats are in.

Travel & Holiday Friends Reunited

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The following LostAmigos were in Kibbutz Ma'Agan Mikhael around about 1984 +/- 8 years.

Betsy Ringer, American 1989
Seeking: Jonathan Stacey Osher Harriet Simon Michael Others
Harriett Grant, English 1989
Seeking: Micheal B, Melissa From South Africa,
Michael Borenstein, Australian 1989
Seeking: Harriet
Nicole Rechtman (Nic), Australian 1989
Seeking: Richard Shneider
Osher Kazarnovsky, British/israeli 1989
Seeking: Oh, Where Do I Start? Everyone!
Rainey Levin, American 1989
Seeking: Looking For My Friends That Made It The Best Time Of My Life!!!!!
Rebecca Berns (Beccy), English 1989
Seeking: Howie Amy Bev Rema And More!
Sabine Taieb, French 1989
Seeking: Michael From Australia
Shelley Leipsegar, English 1989
Seeking: Anyone Who Knew Me
Cherry Flax, English 1991
Gloria Pavoncello, Italian 1991
Seeking: Nicole (australia) Fabrice Cohen (france) Michel Alloul (france) Simone (holland) Sheila Zarfati (brazil) Pablo (argentina)
Sandra Hirsch, Brazilian 1991
Seeking: Andrew Fabian Arie Gloria Francine Nora Paula Pablo Fernando Sheila Fabrice
Charles Jehuda (Charles), 1992
Lisa Shapiro, Scottish 1992
Seeking: Laini, Lisa, Mike
Paul Lyons (Gadi), 1992
Seeking: Friends from the ulpan and volunteers

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