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Holiday & Travel, Expats & Backpackers & Kibbutz & Moshav Friends Reunited. Even Pen Pals & Red Coats are in.

Travel & Holiday Friends Reunited

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The following LostAmigos were in Kibbutz Ein HaShlosha around about 1984 +/- 6 years.

sameo.s16 sameo.s16 (Samantha), 1987
Jason Specter, English 1988
Seeking: Any Volunteers That Where There
Peter Hunt (Pete), English 1988
Seeking: Someone
Russell Cupido, South African 1988
Seeking: Sandra Groen
Simon Adey-Davies, Welsh 1988
Seeking: Tim Others
Jonnie Barr, English 1989
Seeking: Dana Levy
Lori Mcfadyen, Canadian 1989
Seeking: Simon Kim Damon Shlomo Hemda Anna Yael
Maria Egense, Danish 1990
Seeking: Edna Gal-Or Yoav Rudelman
Shaul Fisher, American 1990
Seeking: Jason
Simon Elms, British 1990
Seeking: Jo (penquin), Claire (leeds) ,mike (s.a.) Lori (canada)
Lori Mcfadyen, Canadian 1991
Seeking: Anna, Assa, Jon, Astrid, Marie, Alex, Quint, Brigita, Peter,

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