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Holiday & Travel, Expats & Backpackers & Kibbutz & Moshav Friends Reunited. Even Pen Pals & Red Coats are in.

Travel & Holiday Friends Reunited

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The following LostAmigos were in Lloret De Mar around about 1990 +/- 10 years.

Anita Kievit, Dutch 1985
Seeking: Andy Moss
David Baxter (Davy dos), 1985
Ernesto Koning, Dutch 1985
Seeking: Friends
Jackie Milroy, English 1985
Seeking: Tommy Kerr Stuart Mckay Anthony Angus Rachael Hand Sharon Borain
Pam White, English 1985
Seeking: Any one who worked in Lloret during the summer of 85 to 87 that remembers drinking lots of beer , pedros chicken, all those mad fun pubs and the little spanish bloke who took all the group photos of everyone.....
Ray Mcmahon (Scottish Wanker), Scottish 1985
Seeking: Any That Remember The Scottish Wanker!!! My Old Mates From Nicky Tams.
Tanya Price, English 1985
Seeking: Ernesto Koning
Willem De Geus, Dutch 1985
Seeking: Friends
Andrew Beech, English 1986
Seeking: Dale (del Boy) Grant Bj Eli Warwick Dave - Intasun Rep Russ - Intasun Rep
Debbie Reynolds, English 1986
Seeking: Andy And Dean, Abi And Steve. Bev, Holly, Rachel. Di And Tina. Pam (wallop ! ) Andrea And Claire
Donna Mcveigh, Scottish 1986
Seeking: Anyone
Jennie Long, British 1986
Seeking: Anyone Who Worked Out There In 86/87 Particularly In Rockys Or Any Of Teds Other Bars
Samantha Maitland (Sammy), English 1986
Seeking: Elliot Zakes George Jason
Samuel Beckett, Italia 1986
Seeking: Madelon Moolenaar
Colin Smith, 1987
Seeking: Worked in Laurel and Hardys
Gerrit Koenderink, Netherlands Antillean 1988
Seeking: Julie Kerschaw
Steve Peacock (Peewee), English 1988
Seeking: Chris (eng)
Steve Peacock (Peewee), English 1988
Seeking: Mo Scotland
Darren Turner (Daz), English 1989
Seeking: Club 18-30 Group Around August 1989 At Club Air Libre Inbetween Llorett De Mar And Tossa De Mar
Diane Murkin, English 1989
Seeking: Sue Swaine
Diane Murkin, English 1989
Seeking: Sue Swaine
Joanne Dobbs (Jo), Welsh 1989
Seeking: Rob Vd Brook ( Holland) His Friend Were Arjen And Ron
Nick Carter, British 1989
Seeking: Flo Miffy
Sandra Edwards, British 1989
Seeking: Ramon Valero(tattoist) Anybody From 89-91 Lived There For A While, Knew Most Folks. Homesick!
Derek Brennan (Paddy), Irish 1990
Seeking: Big Tony-Spanish-Hagar-Jjoni Swiss Rep-Lloyd From Nottingham-Pepe-Jill Parker-
Derek Brennan (Paddy), Irish 1992
Seeking: Jill Parker
Derek Brennan (Paddy), Irish 1992
Seeking: Jill Parker

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