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Holiday & Travel, Expats & Backpackers & Kibbutz & Moshav Friends Reunited. Even Pen Pals & Red Coats are in.

Travel & Holiday Friends Reunited

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The following LostAmigos were in Kibbutz Gvaram around about 1992 +/- 4 years.

unn hansen, 1993
Seeking: Yaniv Aaron
Anna Nilsson, Swedish 1994
Seeking: All You People Who Was At Gevaram 1994/95
Danny Sweeney (Sweeney), English 1994
Seeking: Paul Kay [london] Fe'Fe And Gail Chris Christienssen Swiss Nic Stass And Dave Nick Rust Brekija Rink Ron Gitron
Linda Nilsson (Gotland Girl), Swedish 1994
Seeking: All U People Who Was There Aug´94 - April´95!!!//the Gotland Girls:)
Susan Gleerup, Danish 1994
Seeking: Lillian
Tim Flohr Sørensen (Phantom Shagger), Danish 1994
Seeking: Gotland Girls, Victims Of Antone'S Rampage, Victims Of Steve'S Cuttling, Other Abused Individuals, Animals And Items.
Annette Mceniry, British 1995
Seeking: Paul Jordan
Christine Roberts, British 1995
Seeking: Susan
Dominique Gerrard (Dom), British 1995
Seeking: Volunteers From 1995
Graham Harris, English 1995
Seeking: Rob (uk), Su (uk), Paul (uk), Mike (uk), Crap, It Was So Long Ago I Can'T Remember Any Other Names :d
Gustav Van Der Veen, South African 1995
Seeking: Andrea Aus
Jaime Aldaya (Murdock), British 1995
Seeking: Michael Gretton
Johnny Trangbæk Kla (Johnny Danis), Danish 1995
Seeking: Just Browsing
Kelly Pearson, English 1995
Seeking: I Found Most Of You But What Happened To Anna K?
Kelly Pearson, British 1995
Seeking: Stevie Danish Tim
Lars Van Marion, Norwegian 1995
Seeking: Aaron Oliver The Brits, Irish, Danes, Swedish - Everyone!
Marianne Mohagen, Norwegian 1995
Seeking: I Am Looking For All The Nice People Who Were At Kibbutz Gvaram I 1995.
Michele Dutson (Shell), English 1995
Seeking: B From Hammersmith, Michelle From Switz, Debbie Wirborg - Denmark And Whoever Remember Us.
Michelle Petersen (Shell, Chell), English 1995
Seeking: Onya Hennigan Carlo Del Pozo Anyone Else In The Nam'In 95
Monica Johansen (Fishface), Norwegian 1995
Seeking: Rachel (irl)
Monica Johansen (Monica The N), Norwegian 1995
Seeking: Yolande Sout Af, Anneke Sout Af, Gustav Sout Af,
Paul Jordan, English 1995
Seeking: Aaron
Rob Fleming (Flez), English 1995
Seeking: The Swedish Ones The English Ones The Israeli Ones Any Other Birds
Sara Kristiansson, Swedish 1995
Seeking: Looking For Everybody ( Anton, Steve,kelly,rachel,paul,su,brian,duncan,johnno)who Has Been There From Sept 94- April-95 (i´m One Of The Gotland Girls)
Soile Vahela, Finnish 1995
Seeking: Nigel (uk) Elad (isr) Talya (isr)

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