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Holiday & Travel, Expats & Backpackers & Kibbutz & Moshav Friends Reunited. Even Pen Pals & Red Coats are in.

Travel & Holiday Friends Reunited

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The following LostAmigos were in Kibbutz Carmia around about 1981 +/- 4 years.

Noel Moore (Butch), Irish 1981
Seeking: Niall Breslin All Volunteers
Dean Riley, Canadian 1982
Seeking: Eugene Brennan Carla Bloot Debbie Draper Danny (israeli) Cameron (maori)
Malcolm Mcinnes (Malky), Scottish 1982
Seeking: Karla . Ben .bungel
Ian Evans, English 1983
Seeking: Everyone
Claire Morgan, English 1985
Seeking: Joanna Kells Birgit Madson Gerda
Nicolas Boulanger (Nick), Canadian 1985
Sven XXX, 1985
Seeking: Michael from USA.

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