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Holiday & Travel, Expats & Backpackers & Kibbutz & Moshav Friends Reunited. Even Pen Pals & Red Coats are in.

Travel & Holiday Friends Reunited

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The following LostAmigos were in Kibbutz Adamit around about 1994 +/- 6 years.

Jo Waller, Australian 1995
Seeking: Nissim (israeli) Anna(sweden) Paul (england)
Jo Waller-Brown, Australian 1995
Seeking: Anna -sweden Nissim israel
Vic Smerdon, English 1995
Seeking: Jono Paul Marye Emma Claire Tory Kerry Anyone Else
Jo-Joo Panduro, Danish 1996
Seeking: Meike Marieke Etc
Meike De Meij, Dutch 1996
Seeking: Netta, Renee, Judith, Peter
Meike De Meij, Dutch 1996
Seeking: Netta, Renee, Judith, Peter
Netta Habursi, Israeli 1996
Seeking: Mark,mole,mijke, Martin
David Pettigrew, Irish 1997
Seeking: Mark , Mole , Scotty Anyone
Hector Padilla (Ojtraveler), Mexican 1997
Seeking: Tom ( Eng ) Becca (eng) Ruthie The Faroes Gals
Seeking: Mark, Mole, Alexis, Tina, niomi, dodo, Michelle........or anybody there at that time!
Mark England, English 1997
Seeking: Netta, Mole, Anyone Really
Mark Protheroe (Covo), English 1997
Seeking: Love To Meet Nara Park (Nara I miss you ... Please get in touch) Mole, Or Anyone That Can Remember Me. My Nick Name Was Covo

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