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Holiday & Travel, Expats & Backpackers & Kibbutz & Moshav Friends Reunited. Even Pen Pals & Red Coats are in.

Travel & Holiday Friends Reunited

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The following LostAmigos were in South Africa around about 1995 +/- 12 years.

Kevin Collick (Fernando), English 1983
Seeking: Alex
Redvers Forryan (Red), English 1983
Seeking: Kristian Hoyal Greg Sedgewig
Redvers Forryan (Red), English 1983
Seeking: Kristian Hoyal Greg Sedgewig
Rudie Steenkamp (Stoney), South African 1983
Seeking: Zinta Kohler And Friend That Vacationed At Tsipise
Anatilia Mestre (Tilia), Portuguese 1984
Seeking: Sandra Moreira
Andrea Seaton, South Africa 1984
Seeking: Debbie O'Neill
Beverley Barrett (Bev), South African 1984
Seeking: Rob & Betty Hughes
Timothy Hill (Tim), English 1984
Seeking: John Brewer Mike Hibbert
Timothy Hill (Tim), English 1984
Seeking: John Brewer Mike Hibbert
Craig Vlok (Kid), South African 1985
Seeking: Chris Huntley
Craig Vlok (Kid), South African 1985
Seeking: Chris Huntley
Debbie Doolitle, Bermudian 1985
Seeking: Trinia Cook
Denis Viller, French 1985
Seeking: Uwe Louis Nicolas
Filomena Lima (Filly), Portuguese 1985
Seeking: Elizabeth Silva Fatima Silva
Goretti Lobato, South African 1985
Seeking: John Thompson
Graham Atherton-Rya (Aussie), British 1985
Seeking: Annette Potgieter.(south African0
Judy Brodie, Australian 1985
Seeking: Hillary Bean
Ashley Donde, American 1986
Seeking: Charles Mcdonald
Caroline Taylor, Britsh 1986
Seeking: Lance Hood
Lynn Krumbock, British 1986
Seeking: Laura Klose Joy Elliott
Maxine Wolffe (Max), South African 1986
Seeking: Yoram Yellin
Lisa Kruger, South African 1987
Seeking: Stephen Ramsay
Paresh Pradhan, Indian 1987
Seeking: Tashneem Govind
Paresh Pradhan, Indian 1987
Seeking: Tashneem Govind

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