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Holiday & Travel, Expats & Backpackers & Kibbutz & Moshav Friends Reunited. Even Pen Pals & Red Coats are in.

Travel & Holiday Friends Reunited

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The following LostAmigos were in Kibbutz Yiftah around about 1969 +/- 6 years.

Gunilla Skeppstam, Swedish 1965
Seeking: Yael Landau Simon Landau
Reginald Fryer (No), English 1967
Seeking: Tom Hulst Dutch Hannan Israeli
Bonnie Baker, American 1969
Seeking: Kerry From Ny
Gerrit/georg Kleis, Dutch 1969
Seeking: Dick Nesbit Canada Trix (sister) Switserland
Renee Sellner (Renee), Jewish 1969
Seeking: Marsha
Nina Sarroino, Jewish 1971
Seeking: Joel Weiner, Jewish
Sandra Sherman (Sandy), American 1971
Seeking: Schlmo Baruk
Hans Kolthof, 1972
Seeking: I stayed in Yiftach from 1972 - 1976 Send an @ to I, am trying to find people from that time.
Harry Ingram, British 1973
Seeking: Zvika
Paul Peree, 1973
Seeking: Felix Bertschinger Leo van Hommerig
Paula Wiggins, American 1974
Seeking: Edgar Gongoras, Malcolm And Jane Colton.
Larry Fradin, American 1975
Seeking: i found rainbow and stuart, looking for anyone else !
Liz Lewis, Welsh 1975
Seeking: Paul Stevenson Stuart Foster
Marc Brigou, Belgium 1975
Seeking: Donna Warner Usa
Seeking: Kathie (Oz) Henk (Dutch) Mary (USA) Paul (Canada) David Metsus (Israel) Gary (USA) Liz Lewis (Wales) Marie (New Zealand) Arnon (Israel) Franchesca (Italy) Corma (Dutch) Edgar (Peru)
Seeking: Kathie and Henk, Arnon, Liz, Corma, Paul, Mary, Gary, Edgar, David Metsus, Marie, Franchesca

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