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Holiday & Travel, Expats & Backpackers & Kibbutz & Moshav Friends Reunited. Even Pen Pals & Red Coats are in.

Travel & Holiday Friends Reunited

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The following LostAmigos were in Butlins around about 1995 +/- 8 years.

Danny Murphy, English 1989
Seeking: Gianni Brooke
Mark Murphy, British 1989
Seeking: Gianni Brooke
Scott Davenport, British 1991
Seeking: Zoe Whittaker
Ste Murphy, Dutch 1991
Seeking: Tony
Tammy Fane (Tammy Text!!), English 1994
Seeking: Amanda(mandy)shaw Cathy (chalet Maid On Harlech Village At Same Time).
Allan Hampton (Dad), English 1995
Seeking: Anyone From Big Baz, Chicken Ranch, Stars Diner, Pizza Place,or Any One Who Knows Me
Janine Morris (None), Welsh 1995
Seeking: David Orwell Tin Tin Emma Nicholas Macey And Anyone Else Who Remembers Me
Janine Morris (None), Welsh 1995
Seeking: I Am Looking For Anyone Who Remembers Me,i Have Lost Contact With Everyone From All The Butlins I Worked At
Leslee Dee, British Virgin Islander 1995
Seeking: Gemma,dave Of The Fair,julie Hynes,sharon,
David Bailey (Scouser), Scouse 1996
Seeking: Amanda Inman, Paul Greenhall, Kevin Greenhall, Neil Merrick, John Butchard, John Robinson
Debbie Kelly (Debz), Cayman Islander 1997
Seeking: Ben And Carrie Yewdall
Sean Roderick, Australian 1997
Seeking: Karen (manc), Steve Lewis (ginger), Jon Tom,gen Berridge,lisa,gaz Rhoden, Emelyn Hughes

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