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Holiday & Travel, Expats & Backpackers & Kibbutz & Moshav Friends Reunited. Even Pen Pals & Red Coats are in.


Statistics• Place Type: Kibbutz/Moshav
• Photos: 23
• Amigos: 204
• No of Visits: 57279
• Last Visit: 18/09/2024 20:45:00
• Last Post: 03/03/2024 11:29:00
From whenst they came

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Kibbutz Revivim

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Kibbutz Revivim Amigos . Recognise anyone?
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Hi Vesa, or anyone at Revivim in 83/84- I have posted a few photos which may spark a few memories for those who were there.... read on.
Posted by: Alan Campion Comments: 1

Hi - We met in Barcelona and travelled on a Volks bus with a couple of guys from Canada who we left behind when we went to Kibbutz Revivim. You hooked up with a guy ... read on.
Posted by: Valerie Hauch Comments: 0

Hi "London Steve" Have you changed your surname? I remember you as St. Clair. How very funny if you are the right Steve. Mail me read on.
Posted by: Jytte Kristensen Comments: 0

Hi Chris I know you are out there as you have posted a message. Would love to hear from you. Do you still live in Yorkshire. Simon Jacques... read on.
Posted by: Simon Jacques Comments: 1

Dear Volunteers from Kibbutz Revivim 1983 - 84 I'm thinking about planning a reunion party - before we all get to old to travel :o) so please get in touch with me... read on.
Posted by: Lotte Riis Comments: 3

Chris, Please get in touch.... read on.
Posted by: Vesa Vemlin Comments: 0

Come on someone must have been there!!!... read on.
Posted by: Vesa Vemlin Comments: 0

Anyone who was at Kibbutz Revivim in 1983. Chris Jewitt, Gareth Ash, Simon Smythe, Simon Jaques, etc. Please reply. Would be nice to get updates on all of you.... read on.
Posted by: Vesa Vemlin Comments: 5

Pete,finally worked this out!Do you remember Mark who I was travelling with?We wrote and rang for a whole year and he came to Oz to see me.1 week before he was due I met and ... read on.
Posted by: Robyn Bloch Comments: 2

hi peter still waiting to hear from you, time flies, heres my e mail address for anyone to get in touch... read on.
Posted by: Pat Mckean Comments: 0

come on you guys dont be shy, you must be out there somewhere,... read on.
Posted by: Pat Mckean Comments: 1

anyone who was at kibbutz revivim, 1976 can get in touch with me, lots of catching up to do, so come on, dont be shy, pat mckean... read on.
Posted by: Pat Mckean Comments: 2


VOTES RESULTS FOR COUNTRY the furteh back in time you go the highe up the waste ourt shortys were . today they atre round our butt cheks so we calculate that in fiv yearsd time... short will be round our ancle which has been a fashoin for some lostamigo for some time

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