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1999 was a helluva year because: Earthquake in Turkey Kills 13,000 and we shuffled our feet to "" Download Now
Statistics• Place Type: Kibbutz/Moshav
• Photos: 73
• Amigos: 119
• No of Visits: 41777
• Last Visit: 28/09/2024 13:09:00
• Last Post: 09/07/2020 02:15:00
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Kibbutz El-Rom 1999

Israel Middle East
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i love so much el-rom kibbutz. i was stay there 2007.i was like to stay there & work there. in elrom ibbutz so cleaver,honest people. i love people there.i respacted with nuri,david. jaeki aolso. my ... read on.
Posted by: Kuldip Patel Comments: 0

Im getting married very soon. All that remember flyboy welcome. special gueststars included Chewie and the Shaaaaaaadow, who will be performing the isreali national anthem whilst Chewie performs his back farting. Big call out for ... read on.
Posted by: James Young Comments: 0

I've been trying to find El Rom on Google Earth but I'm having trouble...finding it. does anyone know how I would go about doing that apart from just kind of trawling across mountainous wastes ?... read on.
Posted by: Andrew Reilly Comments: 1

I knew it was there all along anyway, I was just playing along with you all as a way of like, being nice to you and helping you enjoy your time on the kibbutz.... read on.
Posted by: Andrew Reilly Comments: 0

I know you're probably all feeling ashamed of yourselves and worried after all these years that I'm holding a grudge but really, I've gotten over it. Feel free to contact me with a clean conscience, ... read on.
Posted by: Andrew Reilly Comments: 1

I was at El Rom in 94 shared a room with gavin Johnson. Good days. Had my 24th birthday there and insisted we all play baseball dressed as women. Never got the shags promised in ... read on.
Posted by: Living In Ma Nelson Comments: 0 Previous addy got deleted so lets try again... read on.
Posted by: Robin Silvester Comments: 0

Hi all....are any of you ex rommies on myspace?? if yes then please get in touch Cheers Rob... read on.
Posted by: Robin Silvester Comments: 0

or if you found some use of my black and white strat that i left because i couldnt be bothered carrying it around jerusalem. hope someone learnt to play with it... read on.
Posted by: Dan Cobb Comments: 0

does anyone remember the first block of houses one from the end? i painted a stencil of my guitar on the door. is it still there? in Brians house on the end i was also ... read on.
Posted by: Dan Cobb Comments: 0

The Royal George incase anyone doesnt know is next to Euston Train station.If anyone attending has any photos from their Kibbutz days then please bring them along. See you on the 28th... read on.
Posted by: Robin Silvester Comments: 4

It's all set then for the gathering on the 28th. We will be meeting in the Royal George pub Saturday afternoon (2pm) onwards. Anybody interested may bring a non kibbutz friend just to keep them ... read on.
Posted by: Ian Sallis Comments: 0

Me and a few others are meeting up on the 28th in London; venue still to be decided. So if anybody fancies popping along and having a chat about their el-rom days let us know. ... read on.
Posted by: Ian Sallis Comments: 1

Het mail me damnit…... read on.
Posted by: Peter Corby Comments: 1

Myself and Ian Sallis are attending the reunion party in London.Anyone else going to be there??... read on.
Posted by: Robin Silvester Comments: 2

Ahuva, Shirli, Ezra and thier butt-ugly little dog who I loved dearly and used to slip him pork chops when nobody was looking. They we're my adopted family when I was at El Rom. Nicer ... read on.
Posted by: Steve Margulies Comments: 0

Is Lance from South Africa still there? He was a good guy (if not a little nuts). I remember him working the garage.... read on.
Posted by: Steve Margulies Comments: 2

Does anyone remember the barkash pub on the way down to kiryat shmona just past kibbutz dafna?what a crazy,but great place that was.... read on.
Posted by: Robin Silvester Comments: 9

I was at el rom visting just before christmas 2003 and was saddened to here that motti(our great volunteer leader)had been moved into a hospice in haifa as he was very bad suffering from lung ... read on.
Posted by: Robin Silvester Comments: 7

When I was on the Kibbutz in 93 there was a couple who left run a hostel near to the old city. Their names was Bobby & Peter and were kiwi. They ran the place ... read on.
Posted by: Ian Sallis Comments: 14

I was a volunteer on El Rom from Sep 83 to Feb 84.I met my former husband there when I was only 19,ah the folly of youth! I had a great 6 months & have ... read on.
Posted by: Alison Wedgwood Comments: 6


VOTES RESULTS FOR COUNTRY the furteh back in time you go the highe up the waste ourt shortys were . today they atre round our butt cheks so we calculate that in fiv yearsd time... short will be round our ancle which has been a fashoin for some lostamigo for some time

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