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2004 was a helluva year because: World Population = 6,394,491,485 and we shuffled our feet to "" Download Now
Statistics• Place Type: Kibbutz/Moshav
• Photos: 112
• Amigos: 191
• No of Visits: 60463
• Last Visit: 20/09/2024 15:37:00
• Last Post: 26/01/2023 21:04:00
From whenst they came

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Kibbutz Dafna 2004

Israel Middle East
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Anyone remmber the DVA Dafna Volenteer Force we used to run around like a load of twits scaring the american and dutch girls.The kibutnicks seemed to be upset with us as they thought that ... read on.
Posted by: Philip Engelen Comments: 0

Anyone remmber the DVA Dafna Volenteer Force we used to run around like a load of twits scaring the american and dutch girls.The kibutnicks seemed to be upset with us as they thought that ... read on.
Posted by: Philip Engelen Comments: 0

Anyone knowing of his whereabouts please contact me He was here with Robin Don Hank etc. Any former vols want to visit let me know I still live here.... read on.
Posted by: Barry Praag Comments: 0

Planning a Kibbutz Dafna Reunion? Use the new Events & Reunion Organiser on LostAmigos to help you get things going. Simply click on 'Events' and complete the form. Enjoy... read on.
Posted by: LostAmigos Admin Comments: 0

Hey, a lost amigo revisited in 2008 and I am sad to say the report is not good. Of the images he sent me and the text that accompanied, it was a ghost town in ... read on.
Posted by: Russ Powell Comments: 4

has anyone betten my record of 78 brandy and choc milk yet ARI from mexico went close but the poms well just like the rubgy league no contest... read on.
Posted by: Rodney Simon Comments: 1

Posted by: Rodney Simon Comments: 3

Hi old buddys! Remember the time when we made our first Beer? Home made in the bathtup? It tastet horible but at the time it was ol we had and could afort.... read on.
Posted by: Walter Joost Comments: 2

Eventually found a place where I can track down those long lost drinking buddies. Tom... read on.
Posted by: Tom Terblanche Comments: 1

Hello all Dafna boys and girls! I haven't been back for ages (15 years ) but memories of crap food, worse discos and funky mates will rock on 4 ever! Ready to party with anyone ... read on.
Posted by: Rob Smith Comments: 4

Did any of you worked on the Ferrari? I heard about this dreaded machine while on a trip in Yucatan Mexico,from some traveling IS soldier. He told me ,that Dafna sold it to a new ... read on.
Posted by: Chris Mendes Comments: 2

Why did you repaint the old classic cellar pub... :)... read on.
Posted by: Martin Cobol Comments: 3

Hi There... Any Dafna People out there)... read on.
Posted by: Martin Cobol Comments: 7


VOTES RESULTS FOR COUNTRY the furteh back in time you go the highe up the waste ourt shortys were . today they atre round our butt cheks so we calculate that in fiv yearsd time... short will be round our ancle which has been a fashoin for some lostamigo for some time

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