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Statistics• Place Type: Kibbutz/Moshav
• Photos: 119
• Amigos: 311
• No of Visits: 80869
• Last Visit: 28/09/2024 17:12:00
• Last Post: 15/10/2023 22:29:00
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Kibbutz Bar Am (Baram) (Kibbutz Baram) 1900

Israel Middle East
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Last year I went to Israel twice. First was in June for 3 weeks when I worked at an Israeli base near Tel Aviv and the second time was in Sept for 8 days on ... read on.
Posted by: Steve Martin Comments: 0

Planning a Kibbutz BarAm Reunion? Use the new Events & Reunion Organiser on LostAmigos to help you get things going. Simply click on 'Events' and complete the form. Enjoy.... read on.
Posted by: LostAmigos Admin Comments: 0

Hello, I see some names I think I recognise. My name is Claudia and I was the quiet one, who liked her goldstar, noblesse and melon vodka, if desperate arak! I hung around with Phillippa.... read on.
Posted by: Claudia Magrini Comments: 1

I was in Bar am 3 times from 1988 up to 1992 I was verry happy there and thanks to Lost amigos I been able to contact some old chaps I mean frends I´m looking ... read on.
Posted by: Francisco Orozco Comments: 0

Janine, I see you have registered on the web-site. I've sent you a message. If you see this please get in touch. I'd love to speak to you.... read on.
Posted by: Mark Coplen Comments: 2

Hello Just came across this website by mistake and found a name from the past, Sara Grossman. I was at Bar'am from Jan-July 1986. It was a long time ago, 22 years (makes me feel ... read on.
Posted by: Mark Coplen Comments: 1 jack please write me... read on.
Posted by: Hagit Cohen Comments: 0

hi im hagit cohen i had a lots of friends from all over urop hope to find them/ i was in baram when i nwas 13-18 years old/ if you remmber me i will be ... read on.
Posted by: Hagit Cohen Comments: 3

hi im hagit cohen/hagit please write me... read on.
Posted by: Hagit Cohen Comments: 0

Mine..the chicken factory..pre-dawn raids on the chickens, picking up 6-7 at a time and putting them into cages..yuk. Best job..picking pears driving one of those vehicles that rose into the air.... read on.
Posted by: Caleb Duckworth Comments: 0

Hi, I'm one of the Dutch girls (the Nurses! Anyone else who remembers the dress-up party?) who were in Bar Am in July-August 1997. It's been 10 years and I'd like to contact some of ... read on.
Posted by: Gerdien De Vroome Comments: 0

My name is Jan, from the Faroes, AKA "Bill Baily" the famous photographer.I am looking for anyone who stayed at Kibbutz Bar Am from late 1985 to about May of 1986. Looking for folkes from ... read on.
Posted by: Jan Lamhauge Comments: 3

Anyone from Bar Am, autumn 1990? I would love to hear from you! - Jesper, Danmark... read on.
Posted by: Jesper Gisli Comments: 1

This is Ida the Swedish girl who stayed at the kibbutz Bar Am, from sep 04 to april 05. I just want to say hello to you all.... read on.
Posted by: Ida Johansson Comments: 0

Anyone out there who had the pleasure of enjoying one of the 3 tours from the one and only Crazy Rabbi?!!!? The "beer-blast-tour" was certainly an experience that I`ll never forget!!!!! It was 15 years ... read on.
Posted by: Paula Bamforth Comments: 0 I have to write here before I can send messages or e-mails to my lost amigos????? Am very new to the "computer world", and don`t really know what I`m doing..... Any help would be ... read on.
Posted by: Paula Bamforth Comments: 0

I will never forget my time at Kibbutz Baram! Even though 15 years have passed, memories always remain! Hope that anyone reading this that knows me will get in touch! Richard, have been trying to ... read on.
Posted by: Paula Bamforth Comments: 1

Who else climbed on top of the volunteers block roof to watch sunsets?... read on.
Posted by: Gary Buckley Comments: 2

The South Africans introduced the Scandinavians to a drinking game called coinage, which due to a lack of beer was played with vodka and orange pilferred from the dinning room. On more than one occasion ... read on.
Posted by: Gary Buckley Comments: 1

The bomb shelters ended up be used for a lot more than their intended use. In '95 a few rockets landed in the fisheries, and we were all sent in to the hole! A few ... read on.
Posted by: Gary Buckley Comments: 0

So who else has got lost in the old city???... read on.
Posted by: Matt Davis Comments: 2

I am I the only person who took part in the dance of the Apple picking machines with Haim conducting us?? It was at the end of the harvest???... read on.
Posted by: Matt Davis Comments: 0

Anyone out there recall the chicken sheds with Schlomo? He did the best breakfast on the whole Kibbutz!!... read on.
Posted by: Matt Davis Comments: 2

anyone else who was on Bar am from august 30 to november 19 2004? /axl, swedish... read on.
Posted by: Axel Otterberg Comments: 1

Anyone here who was in Baram late 1990 early 1991?... read on.
Posted by: Jaana Haapalainen Comments: 2

Hello? How does this thing work? I have to send messages in here and after that I can send my email to someone? ********************************************* Correct! You've got it. ED.... read on.
Posted by: Jaana Haapalainen Comments: 0

Hi ya all! You can contact me by e-mail at So Aharon and Sophie..... I'll be waiting!! XX... read on.
Posted by: Jolanda De Groot Comments: 0

I joined just so I can send you a message but I can't send you my contact details until I post here a couple of times but I would like to know if you read ... read on.
Posted by: Zehavit Huddy Comments: 0

hi, jack here from kibbutz baram from june 87 to sep 87. im trying to get in touch with hagit cohen. she has posted a message which ive replied to many times but doesnt seem ... read on.
Posted by: Jack Calder Comments: 2

hi all, jack again who was at kibbutz baram from june to sep 1987. ive managed to get in touch with my old pal mark fitzimmons who was also on the same kibbutz at the ... read on.
Posted by: Jack Calder Comments: 1


VOTES RESULTS FOR COUNTRY the furteh back in time you go the highe up the waste ourt shortys were . today they atre round our butt cheks so we calculate that in fiv yearsd time... short will be round our ancle which has been a fashoin for some lostamigo for some time

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