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• Joined: 30 July 2002
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Ben Wilson

Ben's Trips & Places
Israel Kibbutz Yakum, Israel - (156) joined: 30/07/2002 21:11:00
Looking for: Joni Rutz (swiss) Dennis Sorde (danish)

Meanwhile in the same Year: Iraq is attacked by UN forces, US, Britain, France and allied countries drive Iraqis from Kuwait (Operation Desert Storm). ...more

Kibbutz Yakum  , Israel 2005
Me after the Op - 2005 ::
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Kibbutz Yakum  , Israel 2005
Yom Kippur highway #2 twds tel aviv - 2005 ::
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Kibbutz Yakum  , Israel 2005
Yom kippur highway #2 with Netanya in the distance - 2005 ::
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Kibbutz Yakum  , Israel 2005
Red house and blue in the background, never did the village look so clean and good, we once made a pond between these two houses, but it never managed to hold the water for long, mosquitos liked it though - 2005 ::
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Kibbutz Yakum  , Israel 2005
What were the yellow and red house in the village - 2005 ::
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Kibbutz Yakum  , Israel 2005
Our darling dog Dettol, at leisure like usual. - 2005 ::
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Kibbutz Yakum  , Israel 2005
my favourite room as a volunteer, next to the clothstore - 2005 ::
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Kibbutz Yakum  , Israel 2005
View from above the village, once this road was all but sand - 2005 ::
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Kibbutz Yakum  , Israel 2005
Nurits office - 2005 ::
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Kibbutz Yakum  , Israel 2005
The neighbourhood next to the pub, tennis courts and swimming pool, we used to live in the far leftcorner, then the area looked like a slum, until Nadav came and made it look like paradise. - 2005 ::
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Kibbutz Yakum  , Israel 2005
The place where it all used to happen come friday night, unfortunately by saturday all was but a distant blur. Pub Yakum completely refurbished, and closed down - 2005 ::
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Kibbutz Yakum  , Israel 2005
Believe it or not this is how the old football pitch next to the village looks these days - 2005 ::
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Kibbutz Yakum  , Israel 2005
K - 2005 ::
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Kibbutz Yakum  , Israel 2005
Avishai (Mister as I always knew him) for those who remember him - 2005 ::
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Kibbutz Yakum  , Israel 2005
The refet in Yakum! See if you can tell what is missing these days? - 2005 ::
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Kibbutz Yakum  , Israel 2005
The house that Yael and myself now live in - 2005 ::
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Kibbutz Yakum  , Israel 2005
How scenic the toilet looks these days, the room to the left in the background is where I spent my first night on Yakum, back in 1990 - 2005 ::
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Kibbutz Yakum  , Israel 2005
The house the swiss built, which in 1996 a certain English guy tried to burn down - you know who you are - 2005 ::
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Kibbutz Yakum  , Israel 2005
Ola and Yair, old town Warsaw - 2005 ::
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Kibbutz Yakum  , Israel 2005
Yep it has started to get really quite cold out here in Israel, actually downtown Warsaw with Ola. - 2005 ::
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Kibbutz Yakum  , Israel 2005
Not exactly yakum, but went to visit Yair and Ola in Poland, boy was it cold, blood not so thick these days - 2005 ::
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Kibbutz Yakum  , Israel 2002
village from the north - 2002 ::
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Kibbutz Yakum  , Israel 2002
Yael & Dettol outside yellow house - 2002 ::
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Kibbutz Yakum  , Israel 1998
It was purim - honest! Me and diwife - 1998 ::
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Kibbutz Yakum  , Israel 1997
Vols and close friends at our wedding - 1997 ::
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Kibbutz Yakum  , Israel 1997
A few vols at our wedding and the occasional kib nik - 1997 ::
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Kibbutz Yakum  , Israel 1997
Just one more drink Pet, hey we're over here - 1997 ::
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Kibbutz Yakum  , Israel 1997
Evening all, Chris and Wol on the razz - AGAIN! - 1997 ::
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Kibbutz Yakum  , Israel 1997
What was the question? another beer maybe. Lucas, Sarah and Troels outside pub - 1997 ::
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Kibbutz Yakum  , Israel 1997
Maya(ma in law), saba Henry(no one can forget his pancakes, me pa and me ma in dining hall. - 1997 ::
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Kibbutz Yakum  , Israel 1997
Help me bro there taking me away - wedding traditions. Jim why were u wearing shorts at my wedding? - 1997 ::
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Kibbutz Yakum  , Israel 1997
Me & ma at me wedding - 1997 ::
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Kibbutz Yakum  , Israel 1996
MR Minge the Danish connection!!! - 1996 ::
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Kibbutz Yakum  , Israel 1996
too much vodka and they all looked attractive!!!! - 1996 ::
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Kibbutz Yakum  , Israel 1996
here he is Tim, it's Ronan - 1996 ::
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Kibbutz Yakum  , Israel 1995
Give Guy any instrument, he'll be happy. Ya-ara was impressed - 1995 ::
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Kibbutz Yakum  , Israel 1995
Alistair outside white house/stonehouse - 1995 ::
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Kibbutz Yakum  , Israel 1995
White house/stone house. One of those party nights - 1995 ::
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Kibbutz Yakum  , Israel 1995
Here's Natasha, Carolyne, Yael, Karin, Mette, Ya'ara, Johanna - 1995 ::
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Kibbutz Yakum  , Israel 1995
Dettol, Yakum's favorite puppy!!!!! - 1995 ::
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Kibbutz Yakum  , Israel 1994
Dave (mr Bean), Rune and Pete in clubhouse - 1994 ::
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Kibbutz Yakum  , Israel 1994
Coni and Joni, over for a visit - 1994 ::
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Kibbutz Yakum  , Israel 1991
My favourite village house, next to clothstore, look at the quality of that fence and the grass - 1991 ::
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A bit about Ben:
Israeli, female living in Yakum .

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