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Statistics• Confirmed: True
• Joined: 18 January 2011
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Alistair Griggs

Alistair's Trips & Places
Israel Kibbutz Yiron, Israel - (203) joined: 18/01/2011 23:34:27
Looking for: Lene (Denmark) Dora (Denmark) Dick (England) Itzik (Israel) Ellen (Denmark) Varda Grinberg (Israel)

Meanwhile in the same Year: Fourth and largest Arab-Israeli conflict begins when Egyptian and Syrian forces attack Israel as Jews mark Yom Kippur, holiest day in their calendar (Oct. 6). ...more

A bit about Alistair:
English, male living in Sheffield UK.

Born: Monday, 08 November 1954. 25,436 Days ago!

Loved Yir'on at the time, when kibbutzim were still alternative places living out the "dream", exploring communal childrearing, and giving young idealistic volunteers space themselves. Now a 50-something, after working as a social worker, manager, charity director etc, married with 2 grown-up children and a love of travel, causes, and friends

Alistair's worldly wisdom:
Before you die you must... ...get back in touch .... Varda, Ellen, Itzik, Dick, Lene, Dora, Lee, and all the rest.... I've now made contact with Dick: would still love to reach out to Varda, Lene and Dora in particular, but also others who were there at the time :)

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