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Holy Moly I know this dude!
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Statistics• Confirmed: False
• Joined: 02 April 2003
• Is Online: False


Frances Hill

(Unconfirmed. Cannot send/receive messages)
Frances's Trips & Places
United States of America, USA Camp Kingsmont, United States of America, USA - (3) joined: 02/04/2003 23:46:13
Looking for: Ruby Sing Nee Powers

Meanwhile in the same Year: John Wayne kicks the bucket ...more
United States of America, USA Evanston, United States of America, USA - (1) joined: 21/04/2003 00:22:10
Looking for: Ruby Powers Sally Powers Dennis Powers
United States of America, USA Lyman, United States of America, USA - (1) joined: 21/04/2003 00:24:23
Looking for: Ruby Powers Sally Powers Dennis Powers

Meanwhile in the same Year: Israel annexes the disputed Golan Heights territory ...more

A bit about Frances:
Welsh, female living in Dolwen ,abergele .

returned to camp 1981,then flew to salt lake city to meet ruby where i stated with her and nell in evanston we both worked at a man camp in evanston i stayed from august to november then flew home to wales.we kept in touch for a few years then the contact lasped.ruby has a sister called sally and a brother called dennis .if any one knws of her whereabouts i would be happy to be reunited with her.

Frances's Bucket List


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