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Statistics• Confirmed: True
• Joined: 08 October 2007
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Ria Lotter

(AKA: Ria )
Ria's Trips & Places
Israel Kibbutz Mishmarot, Israel - (122) joined: 08/10/2007 11:53:19
Looking for: Avshalom, Stig, Hans, Lone, Renate, Wally,

Meanwhile in the same Year: Apple II Introduced Apple Computer, a newly formed computer company, introduced the Apple II personal computer ...more

A bit about Ria:
German, female living in Near Switzerland .

I would very much like to know, what happened to Avshi, Avshalom Chanoch, my love. Found in Wikipedia, that his uncle Shalom worte in 1980 a song in memory of his nephew and this made me very sad. Inever heard of Avshiu since 1978. Meanwhile a was married and divorced and have a 25 yearold son and two daughters (23 and 21)

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