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Holy Moly I know this dude!
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• Joined: 30 March 2009
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Deborah Collins

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Deborah's Trips & Places
England, UK Birmingham, England, UK - (14) joined: 30/03/2009 18:47:56
Looking for: Paul Cardell?

Meanwhile in the same Year: Gorbachev becomes (the last) president of the Soviet Union ...more

A bit about Deborah:
English, female living in ???? .

FINDING PAUL FROM BIRMINGHAM I met Paul Cardell (I think that was his surname) when I was 15 years old, twenty two years ago now. I can't even remember the place in which we met, I just know it was in Wales somewhere. I remember it was a complex full of wooden cabins. Paul was 17 at the time, he was tall I would say about 5 10 and from Birmingham (I'll never forget the accent). He wore a black leather bikers jacket which he use to let me wear. He had the loveliest personality and the most gorgeous blond curly shoulder length hair and blue eyes. I remember he was on holiday with his mum and dad and friend who was called Steve. He had some brothers one whom had an accident and was in traction at the time. When the holiday had finished and I returned home he wrote to me at a friends house and sent me a disk of white snake to listen too. Unfortunately my friend lost the letter and I couldn't reply. I never heard from him again. I never forgot Paul to this day I wonder what he's doing, if

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