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Holiday & Travel, Expats & Backpackers & Kibbutz & Moshav Friends Reunited. Even Pen Pals & Red Coats are in.

Travel & Holiday Friends Reunited

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The following LostAmigos were in Kibbutz Sarid around about 1977 +/- 12 years.

Peter Bauer, 1986
Wijnand Wustr, Dutch 1987
Seeking: Katja
Marc Lindekens (Marcus), Dutch 1988
Seeking: Morten Toni Efrat
Marc Lindekens (Marcus), Dutch 1988
Seeking: Morten Toni Efrat
Paul Fisher, Canadian 1988
Seeking: Richard Steve Morgan Paul The Finnish Sisters Paulus Wein
Steve Morgan, English 1988
Seeking: Sturat ,carolin, Jim Fisher And Ever Other Nut Case That Was On The Kibbutz From March To July 1988.
Wijnand Wustr, Dutch 1988
Seeking: Katja And Anybody Else. I Was Usually Called 'Wine'
Wijnand Wustr, Dutch 1988
Seeking: Katja And Anybody Else. I Was Usually Called 'Wine'
Chris Drane, English 1989
Seeking: Holden Miller
Garf Taylor, English 1989
Seeking: Ayelet Efrat Tomer
Garf Taylor, English 1989
Seeking: Efrat Ayelet Tomer
Garf Taylor, English 1989
Seeking: Efrat Ayelet Tomer
Michele Bryant, Australian 1989
Seeking: Eva, Paul Taina, Katja Paulo The Hot Funky Sex Machine!!!
Morten Jepsen, Danish 1989
Seeking: Paul Craft (aus) Tony Marlowe Cornwall) Marc Lindekens (holland) Melanie Nicol (reading), Sarah Miller (aus)
Peter Bauer, 1989
Sam Reed, English 1989
Seeking: Si (brit)
Simon Dempsey, English 1989
Seeking: Fiona (scot), Teresa (essex), Angela (n.z.), Jools (eng) And Anyone Else That Remembers Me. Still The Best Time Of My Life To This Day.
Tony Marlow, English 1989
Seeking: Tomer
Tony Marlow, English 1989
Seeking: Tomer

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