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Holiday & Travel, Expats & Backpackers & Kibbutz & Moshav Friends Reunited. Even Pen Pals & Red Coats are in.

Travel & Holiday Friends Reunited

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The following LostAmigos were in Kibbutz Sarid around about 1995 +/- 10 years.

Ben Edwards (Apkb), English 1999
Seeking: Anyone
Bianca Hummel, Dutch 1999
Seeking: I Spend Great Times With A Lot Of People Thats Why I Am Not Looking For Someone Special, But Everybody That I Had Fun With.
Federica Iaria, Italian 1999
Seeking: Hanna Helen Kate Danielle Rebecca Michelle Sofia
Graham Davidson, British 1999
Seeking: Tyge Sune
James Brigden, British 1999
Seeking: Jantine The Alcholic Porn King Ben Sofia Hanna Federica Helen Kate Danielle
Jantine De Munnik (Jantine), Dutch 1999
Seeking: Monica (sa) Federica (it) James (uk) Sofia (swe) Karen (aus) Karen (can)
Johanna Huth, German 1999
Seeking: Hans (s), Vicky (gb), Sarah (g), Ben (gb), Ray (southafrica), Marius (s), Kerry (gb), Debbi (gb)
Li Bames, English 1999
Seeking: Alex (brazil) Maria (sweden) Uri (israel) Yaniv (israel)
Octavia Lamb, British 1999
Seeking: Laura Hans
Tiago Barbosa, Brazilian 1999
Seeking: Paul Burton (london)
Tyge Larsen, Danish 1999
Seeking: Leo (korea), Graham (scotland), Lisa (sweden), John (england), Laura (england), Hans (sweden) Etc.
Vicky Holroyd (Vicky), English 1999
Seeking: Who Ever
Alex Quesada (Alex), Brazilian 2000
Seeking: Anyone
Brendan Clapp, British 2000
Seeking: Anyone From Sarid...
Gabriel Ojeda, Colombian 2000
Seeking: Specially Eva, The Volunteer Leader, But I Would Love To Know From Anyone, That Was There Between Oct 2000 And February 2001: Mauricio, Anja Maria G. Marie, Sara, Anders, Jesper, Benia, Gordon, Gemma...
Henrik Eklund, Finnish 2000
Seeking: Fugly
Jo Temple (Jo Girl), English 2000
Seeking: The Irish
Kasper Bentzen, Danish 2000
Seeking: All People I Met From Sep. 2000 To Feb. 2001
Rhun Davies, Welsh 2000
Seeking: Helo To Everyone Who I Met And Had Great Times.from May 15 Th 2000-November 2000
Roberto Munoz, Guatemalan 2000
Seeking: Anyone
Sara Borgwardt, Swedish 2000
Seeking: Yoffi People From The Year 2000/2001 That Make Balagan
Stefan Fredriksson, Swedish 2000
Seeking: Well,i DonĀ“t Want To Make A Pick. Anyone Who Spent Time At Sarid Between Apr.2000-June2001- I Love You All! Even Lennie And Larry
Andrea Pereira, Portuguese 2001
Seeking: Juliana Rossi Raquel Bobby Lee Jemma
Kevin Culverwell, British 2001
Seeking: Anyone I Met At Sarid In 2000/2001 Had A Great Time. Would Particulary Like To Hear From Louis S.a And Erik. But Would Love To Hear From All You Others
Kyoungseuk Park (Bruce), South Korean 2001
Seeking: From Oct. 2000 To Aug. 2001. How Time Flies!

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