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Holiday & Travel, Expats & Backpackers & Kibbutz & Moshav Friends Reunited. Even Pen Pals & Red Coats are in.

Travel & Holiday Friends Reunited

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The following LostAmigos were in Kibbutz Revivim around about 1978 +/- 14 years.

Levi Sarah, French 1990
Seeking: Thierry
Levi Sarah, French 1991
Seeking: Thierry France Franck France
Raphi Nomberg, Belgian 1991
Seeking: Josh "the Singer" (usa) Ines Franck (france) Thierry (france)
Thierry Chetrit, French 1991
Seeking: Fiends
Thierry Chetrit, French 1991
Seeking: Friends
Haguit Garyani - Do, Israeli 1992
Seeking: Meghan Byrne - Nz
Josh Bartel, American 1992
Seeking: Everyone From The Ulpan Program In '92
Meghan Byrne (Me), New Zealander / Kiwi 1992
Seeking: Louise - Wales Liz - Australia Debra Caroline Thierry - France
Meghan Byrne (Meg), New Zealander / Kiwi 1992
Seeking: Haguit Garyani Steve Connor Louise - Wales
Meghan Byrne (Meg), New Zealander / Kiwi 1992
Seeking: Haguit Garyani Steve Connor Louise - Wales
Meghan Byrne, Kiwi 1992
Seeking: Theirry Chetrit - France Steve - Australia Liz - Australia Deborah - England Caroline - England Louise - Wales
Mitch Ehrlich, American 1992
Seeking: From The Ulpan
Rebecca Jonas, American 1992
Seeking: Leon England
Sabine Taieb, French 1992
Seeking: Simon From England, Ulla And Anita From Danemark, Anemie From Belgium, Kate From Usa, Maya From Russia
Sabine Taieb, French 1992
Seeking: Ulla Fink From Danemark, Anemie From Belgium, Raphy From France, Simon From England
Simon Levinson (Simmee), English 1992
Seeking: Sara Rodrigues France Keith(tzvi,tank)canada David Usa
Stéphanie Borer, Swiss 1992
Seeking: Yaniv Barda Israel Joshua San Fransisco Karen Maurer Swiss '??? Belgium Jaron Israel Steven England Thierry France Lisa Australia Etc.
Tammi Sinclair, English 1992
Seeking: Josh, Caroline, Debra, Anyone Who Was In The Ulpan!!

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