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Holiday & Travel, Expats & Backpackers & Kibbutz & Moshav Friends Reunited. Even Pen Pals & Red Coats are in.

Travel & Holiday Friends Reunited

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The following LostAmigos were in Kibbutz Alonim around about 1982 +/- 10 years.

Joanna Thompson, English 1991
Seeking: Sven From Germany
Linda Abarbanell, Amercian 1991
Seeking: Claire Naylor
Malene Nielsen, Danish 1991
Seeking: Linda (scotland) Andrew (sa)
Malene Nielsen, Danish 1991
Seeking: Carole (uk), Linda (scotland), Andrew (sa) & Ulpan People
Reto Zeltner, Swiss 1991
Reto Zeltner, Swiss 1991
Seeking: Whats About The Volonteer Bos Bela
Reto Zeltner, Swiss 1991
Seeking: Whats About The Volonteer Bos Bela
Adam Wells, British 1992
Seeking: Jose Miguel Forca
Andy Worthington, English 1992
Seeking: Any One
Jesper Frimer, Danish 1992
Seeking: David Longstaff
Maizie Veotte, South African 1992
Seeking: Myron (south African) Evelyn (american) Monique (dutch) Jonathan (american) Orly (israeli)
Seeking: Dado
Seeking: jo, richard, wizzy,
Adam Wells, British 1995
Seeking: Alicia Ralph

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