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Holiday & Travel, Expats & Backpackers & Kibbutz & Moshav Friends Reunited. Even Pen Pals & Red Coats are in.

Travel & Holiday Friends Reunited

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The following LostAmigos were in Kibbutz Sarid around about 1977 +/- 8 years.

Dan Smith, Amercian 1983
Dan Smith, Amercian 1984
lynne tapper, 1984
Seeking: Anyone from Kibbutz Sarid, Sheila, Mitch, Chrissy, Andrew Tindall, Sharon
Cherri Matthews (ne, English 1985
Seeking: Looking For Mike Cinnamond, Janice And Anyone Who Remembers Me. Would Love To Catch Up With You All! Janice Where Are You, You Wee Scots Shitey?
Chris Hill, English 1985
Seeking: Michael (irish) Martin (eng) John (eng) Bill (eng) Sam (eng)
Christoph Lohner (chris), 1985
Seeking: Petra (Sweden) Martin (Swiss) Roger (Swiss) Carlos (Israel) Regi (Swiss) Eliane (Swiss) Kofi Foxi, Toni, Tomi Urban (Swiss)
Dan Smith, Amercian 1985
Seeking: There Were So Many Good People I Met From All Over The World(i Was There 3 Years) I Played Guitar -Contact Me Anytine -
Frank Reynolds, English 1985
Seeking: Mike, John, Claire, Anat, Martin, Etc
John Mills, British 1985
Seeking: John (british) Pernilla(sweden) Enke?(sweden) Martin(swiss?)
lynne tapper, 1985
Seeking: Chrissy, Mitch, Suzanne From Holland, Andrew Tindall, Jeff Erez, any other person I have missed
Michael Cinnamond, British 1985
Seeking: John Mills (old Farmer)
Sally Conway, 1985
Seeking: Michael Cinnamond Janice
Christoph Lohner (chris), 1986
Seeking: Arie (Israel) Oleg (Israel) Angela (Yorkshire) Lindsey Jolanda (Swiss) Peter (Swiss) EVA (Volonteer Leader) Giora (Kibbutz Janitoring)
Dan Smith, Amercian 1986
Sally Conway, 1986
Seeking: Michael Cinnamond (Irish) Janice (Scottish)
Dan Smith, Amercian 1987

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