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Holiday & Travel, Expats & Backpackers & Kibbutz & Moshav Friends Reunited. Even Pen Pals & Red Coats are in.

Travel & Holiday Friends Reunited

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The following LostAmigos were in Kibbutz Ramat Yohanan around about 1983 +/- 8 years.

Stephen Mulhall, British 1989
Seeking: Tetleys, Jocks, Dutch - Bob, Michel, Hanneka, Saskia. Any Of The English Group - Fiona, Harriet, Ann Etc. Tim Harcourt! Where Are You?
Sys Nørholm (Sys), Danish 1989
Seeking: The Volunteers And Ulpan From 1989. Minna From Finland.
Tim Harcourt, Australian 1989
Seeking: Stephen Mulhall
Wendy Young, English 1989
Seeking: English Group (Emma, Harriet, Fiona, Susanna, Ann Etc); Ali, Dutch Pot...etc
Chris Wright, English 1990
Seeking: Mark, Paul, Jenzy, Alison, Debbie
Debbie Shields, Scottish 1990
Seeking: Jo Yates, Tetleys, Phil & Steve, Loudi, Yogi & Boxer Gail & I Going Back 2 Israel Oct 2008 Email Debbie .shields
Jo Yates, British 1990
Seeking: Tetleys:dave Shaun Gaz Jocks - Gail & Debbie. Vanessa M. (wuss) Mark (yogi) & Boxcer Justin Cooper Fred Stander (1989)
Mark Taylor (Yogi), English 1990
Seeking: Chris Justin Wendy Jo Tetleys Sarit Ulrich
Noach Ben Nachum, Israeli 1990
Seeking: Anthony
Aviva Barczewska, Swedish 1991
Seeking: Adam, David, Jewlia, Jeff

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