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Holiday & Travel, Expats & Backpackers & Kibbutz & Moshav Friends Reunited. Even Pen Pals & Red Coats are in.

Travel & Holiday Friends Reunited

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The following LostAmigos were in Moshav Hatzeva around about 1990 +/- 12 years.

Seeking: Eve
Idet Lucken (Idet), Dutch 1992
Seeking: Darryn Reading
Lisbeth Pedersen (Lis), English 1992
Seeking: John
Rolff Kruger, South African 1992
Seeking: Andy Wilson Brendan Gilson
Roy Reynolds, English 1992
Sheila Mnotso, Dutch 1992
Seeking: Shimrit Barak, Jo,davey H.
Shimrit Barak (Sam), Irish 1992
Seeking: Loryn Van Niekerk Erin & Nikki
, ,, 1993
Anita Peckham (Unn), Australian 1993
Seeking: Angela, Glenn, Bruce Etc
Anita Peckham (Unn), Australian 1993
Seeking: Anglea, Glenn, Bruce Etc
Cris Tyler, English 1993
Seeking: John Biddle Cj Wessels Faye
Odette Gaud, 1993
Paul Finlayson, English 1993
Seeking: Alan Woodley(uk) Daz (oz) Anyone From Number 80 Doing Grease Getting Pissed On Castle In The Pub Moody Itzhak And Those Lovely Tomatoes
Tamas Langley (Tam), South African 1993
Seeking: Alan, Lynne, Sandra And Carlos, The Two Girls From Chile, Mark And The Little Thai: Jai Tia, Kaz The Kiwi Who Kept Helping Hrself To My New Baseball Caps.
Angela Wood, English 1994
Seeking: Anita Leisel Bruce
Lyndon Ulmer, Canadian 1994
Seeking: Anyone Who Was On Moshav Hatzeva - Especially Anyone Who Slaved In Itzak'S Tomato Vines!!
Zsuzsanna Máté, Hungarian 1994
Seeking: Justin Van Heerden, South Africa, Johannesburg
Karin Van Riemsdijk, Dutch 1995
Seeking: Ashley Hickman, Cathy Panigel, Linda Mccallaugh From South Africa
Vladimir Bedrich (Budgi), 1997
Igor Futas (Igi), Slovakian 2002
Seeking: Lubo Sekela,slovakia
Odette Gaud, 2010
Seeking: Beverly, Dean and Clint Swart, Debbie,Justin Australia, Chris the shag man, Fred, Dorian or was it Darius, Gaz,

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