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Holiday & Travel, Expats & Backpackers & Kibbutz & Moshav Friends Reunited. Even Pen Pals & Red Coats are in.

Travel & Holiday Friends Reunited

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The following LostAmigos were in Kibbutz Sarid around about 1995 +/- 10 years.

nigel rhead, 1990
Joe Ingle, English 1995
Seeking: Porno John
Kim Thiele, South African 1995
Seeking: David Schaffner Too Many Names To Mention!!!!
nigel rhead, 1995
Seeking: sam chew,aran
Rikke Rochat (Reggae, Fury), Danish 1995
Seeking: Ed Aaron (uk) Karen Frost (uk) Kristen Mckay (nz) Gary (uk) Lee (uk) Henrik (swe)
Sammy Chu, American 1995
Seeking: Aaorn Whitfield Ed Matt Paul From Scotland
Alan Deegan, English 1996
Arlo Poole (N/a), South African 1996
Seeking: Odelia Oded Shay Eyal Murisen Gustav Pieter Emma
Astrid Mundal, Norwegian 1996
Seeking: Volunteers At Sarid September - December 1996
Emma Bergqvist (Emma), Swedish 1996
Seeking: Everyone
Erik Kalkman, Dutch 1996
Seeking: Anyone
Karen Gurvis, Australian 1996
Seeking: All Saridites Who Want To Get Together For A Reunion On Sarid, Perhaps In 2005 Or 2006??
Kirsty Winning (Crusty The C), Scottish 1996
Seeking: Aaron ,ann, Dahlia, Daniella, Sam, Lenny, Gustav, Jenny, Connie, And The Rest - You Know Who You Are
Paul Bewley, English 1996
Seeking: Anyone Who Was There Between Nov & Dec And Residence
Paul Bewley, English 1996
Seeking: Anyone Who Was There Between Nov & Dec And Residence
Seeking: Pieter & Pieter Boer, two Dutch cousins who roomed with me during that time.
Andrew Maclean, Scottish 1997
Seeking: Anyone
Denise Henderson, South African 1997
Seeking: Hermine Nana Emma
Ejal De Klerk (Kib / Angel), Dutch 1997
Seeking: Daniel Steve Kerrie Matt
Ewan Morgan, Scottish 1997
Seeking: Lee Goodgame Jason Dutch 'Peter'
Hermine Jephtha, South African 1997
Seeking: Jenny Wallin Lisa B Peter Mackay Rogan
Hermine Jephtha (Hermz), South African 1997
Seeking: Jenny Wallin, Lisa , Denise
Kerrie Brown, Australian 1997
Seeking: Sofia,matt,steve,ejal
Louis Van Rooyen, S.a 1997
Seeking: Everyone
Louis Van Rooyen, S.a 1997
Seeking: Nana Jorgensen(denmark) Peter+peter From Holland
Louis Van Rooyen (Louis), South African 1997
Seeking: Yal,ens

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