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Holiday & Travel, Expats & Backpackers & Kibbutz & Moshav Friends Reunited. Even Pen Pals & Red Coats are in.

Travel & Holiday Friends Reunited

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The following LostAmigos were in Kibbutz Yakum around about 1977 +/- 12 years.

Debbie Williams, Welsh 1980
Seeking: Ben Hannah Peach Anna Anders
Roger Earnshaw, British 1985
Seeking: Ben Wilson
Linda Band (Lyndy.lou), English 1986
Seeking: Everyone
Linda Band (Lyndy.lou), English 1986
Seeking: Everyone
Megumi Nanasawa, Japanese 1986
Seeking: Nina Crick Rachel Litchenstien James Carmody Ben Croall Julia Forster
Roger Earnshaw, British 1986
Felix Khanis, 1987
Seeking: Nina
Allister High (Sid), English 1988
Seeking: Lisa Daley Julie
Allister High (Sid), English 1988
Seeking: Lisa Daley Julie
Chris Hampton (Chris Hampton), 1988
Jonathan Leigh (Jon), English 1988
Seeking: Ronnie (sui) Jo (uk) Georgina (uk) Bonnie (can) Ursina (sui) Linda (uk)
june kerr, 1988
Seeking: people that remembers me
Linda Band (Lyndy.lou), English 1988
Seeking: Wiliam From Quebec
Linda Band (Lyndy.lou), English 1988
Seeking: Wiliam From Quebec
Roger Earnshaw, British 1988
Ursina Padrun (God Damn Ursina), Swiss 1988
Seeking: Petra Johansson (swe), Susanna (swe), Bruno (sui), Beat (sui), Susanne (sui), Shalom (israel), John (uk),
Debbie Williams, Welsh 1989
Seeking: Ben Hannah Peach Anna Anders
Gerd Bartsch (Gerd ), 1989
Seeking: Looking for all the wonderfull people at this great photographs from the year 1989 Yakum. Paul put them in. Lisa, Chris and the crazy Swedish and Danish.
Paul Trowers, Scottish 1989
Seeking: Kurt, Karen Alison Mark(buck) Yolanda Sid Brenda Lisa Anne X Henrick Mark(davage) The Mexican Group Especialy Shlomo Gady Daniela Anyone Who Was There
Rasmus Birnbaum (rasmus), Danish 1989
Seeking: Nisim
Roger Earnshaw, British 1989
june kerr, 1990
Seeking: anyone that remembered me
Roger Earnshaw, British 1991

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