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Holiday & Travel, Expats & Backpackers & Kibbutz & Moshav Friends Reunited. Even Pen Pals & Red Coats are in.

Travel & Holiday Friends Reunited

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The following LostAmigos were in Kibbutz Saar around about 1982 +/- 12 years.

Janine Coleman, English 1991
Seeking: Everyone! The Welsh Girls, Nicole From Canada, Morag
Janine Coleman, English 1991
Seeking: Everyone! The Welsh Girls, Nicole From Canada, Morag
Samantha Williams (Sam), English 1991
Seeking: Kay My Room-Mate (ozzie). Any Other People From The Same Time
Toby Law, English 1991
Seeking: Leicester Paul Vicky And Charlotte Louis (mad Hair & Guitar) Janine Tara
Tony Narman, 1991
Seeking: Any rabble.
Christina Madsen (Chris), Danish 1992
Seeking: Astrid,casper,itai. Zohar, Erica And Anyone I Know
Christina Madsen (Chris), Danish 1992
Seeking: Astrid,casper,itai. Zohar, Erica And Anyone I Know
Chulah Berkowitz, Dutch 1993
Seeking: Jimmy, Synne, Mike, Archie, Jenny, Maria
Chulah Berkowitz, Dutch 1993
Seeking: Jimmy, Synne, Mike, Archie, Jenny, Maria
Jimmy Henderson, Scottish 1993
Seeking: Paul And Anyone Else Who Enjoyed The Party Room
Paul Browne, English 1993
Seeking: Jimmy Henderson,erik Wake,nick,general Jill
Per Skarin, Swedish 1993
Seeking: ....
Roger Dobson (Rog), British 1993
Seeking: Paul Palethorpe Uk Steven Rapp Usa Sophia Anderson Swe Anders ??? Swe Christne Jones
Brendon Van Den Berg, South African 1994
Seeking: Per Skarin, Matt, Johan, Bonnie, Camilla
Carin Ohlson, Swedish 1994
Seeking: Jill Sundström-Anyone
Jesper Fosdal, Danish 1994
Seeking: Aaron, Everybody :)
Jill Sundström, Sweden 1994
Seeking: Erik Juliana Anyone
Jimmy Henderson, Scottish 1994
Seeking: Old Drinking Buddies
Seeking: mark wilson (canadian mark)
Leo Mickelsson U (Invisible Le), Swedish 1994
Seeking: Jill Carin Mattias Jenny Maria Nick
paolo traverso (don garden), 1994
Seeking: moshe - nick - paul - garden and irrigation systems staff mates and all the other mad people
Per Skarin, Swedish 1994
Seeking: ....
Rasmus Møller, Danish 1994
Seeking: Paul, Nick, Chulah, Nynke, Carin, Jill, Sanne, Nina, Margit, Nynne,

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