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Holiday & Travel, Expats & Backpackers & Kibbutz & Moshav Friends Reunited. Even Pen Pals & Red Coats are in.

Travel & Holiday Friends Reunited

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The following LostAmigos were in Kibbutz Nir Oz around about 1987 +/- 8 years.

Roee Munder, Israely 1993
Seeking: Look For Brain He As Israeli Girlfried That Call Tali And She From Ramt Gan
Sebastien Michel, Swiss 1993
Seeking: Sivan Klingbail
Cathy Paul, English 1994
Seeking: Glenn (south Africa) Carolina (sweden) Maali (soth Africa) Melanie (south Africa) Jacqui (south Africa0
Maaike De Vries, Dutch 1994
Seeking: Linda Nielsen Sebastien Michel Shai Motzafi
Natasha Coetzee (Natasha), 1994
Seeking: Louise Naud (Canada), Katie Stevens (England), Jacqui Arthur (SA), Cathy Paul (England), Glen Mcdonald (SA), Justin Halliwell (England), Karolina Larsson (Sweden), Dirk Haarhoff (SA), Hannitjie Klopper (SA), Maaiwe De Vries (Nederland), Kim Martin (
Aldo Baumann (Bowie), South African 1995
Seeking: David(south Africa) Flip (south Africa) Nitsan (kibbutz) Larry(kibbutz) John (england) Guvav(kibbutz)
Diane Hatch, British 1995
Seeking: Estelle Rienk Steve Dylan
Estelle Reynolds, English 1995
Seeking: Ingrid, Diane, Dylan, Rosalind, Dellamarie, Steve, Peter & Adrian
John Davies, Welsh 1995
Seeking: Steve Allen Dylan Ingrid Tato Lera Olga
Mariangela Macocco, Italian 1995
Seeking: Estelle John Steve
Mia Hall, Swedish 1995
Seeking: Everyone
Pieter Borra (Pieterborra), Dutch 1995
Seeking: Anyone Who Was In Nir Oz From 1995 To 2001
Rienk Elzinga, Dutch 1995
Seeking: Paul, Lisa, Diana, Steve, David, Derril
Steve Allen, English 1995
Seeking: Message Me On 07833 224617. John, Estelle, Ingrid, Diane Etc. (sorry If You'Re An Etc There Were A Lot Of People!)
Terhi Harmaala, Finish 1995
Seeking: Jason (the Angry One )sout Africa, Amir Eshel-Israel. Jogef Ben Josef.israel , Earl Kruger(sout Afica)

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