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Holiday & Travel, Expats & Backpackers & Kibbutz & Moshav Friends Reunited. Even Pen Pals & Red Coats are in.

Travel & Holiday Friends Reunited

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The following LostAmigos were in Singapore around about 2000 +/- 14 years.

Jaz Jazzy, Singapore 1993
Seeking: Fiona (british)
Aivette Vero Polotan-Cort (Tatha), Filipino 1999
Seeking: Stephen (steve)mellor
Jaz Jazzy, Singapore 1999
Seeking: Hendrik Orno(denmark)
Jon Follows, English 2000
Seeking: Nicola (english)
Leonardo Netto, Singaporean 2001
Seeking: Girlfriend
Elena Compiani, Italian 2003
Seeking: Michelle Pastorelli
Charles From France, French 2005
Seeking: Constance (singapore) Connie (singapore)
Chik Suze (Suze), Malaysian 2005
Seeking: Nikke
Bombay Potato, Wallis and Futuna Islande 2006
Seeking: Bente (copenhagen)
Lisa Fisher, English 2007
Seeking: Im Trying To Find Joanne Cooper And Family Their From The Midlands Great Wyrley

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