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Holiday & Travel, Expats & Backpackers & Kibbutz & Moshav Friends Reunited. Even Pen Pals & Red Coats are in.

Travel & Holiday Friends Reunited

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The following LostAmigos were in Moshav Neot Hakikar around about 1985 +/- 6 years.

Debbie Wells, English 1984
Seeking: Steve, Dave, Matt, Heather,
Debbie Wells, English 1984
Seeking: Steve, Dave, Matt, Heather,
Ken Simpson, American 1984
Lynn Mayne, English 1984
Seeking: John Hurst Dan Cronin
Peter Beech, English 1984
Birgitta Åback, Finnish 1985
Seeking: Susanne (germany) We Were Amnon Sofer`s Wolunteers.
Carol Chamberlain, English 1985
Seeking: Gibb Paula Cowie Eddie Pete And Linda Tilde, Ruth And Jamie
Carol Chamberlain, English 1985
Seeking: Paula Cowie (scottish) Martti Kopisto (finn) Eddie (from Essex) Steve (canvey Island)
Debbie Wells, English 1985
Seeking: Matty From Hackney Dave From Liverpool Steve From Wales Heather From Scotland Nora From Holland Yossi And Ilonka And Iris From Holland
Ken Simpson, American 1985
Margaret Cichon, Polish 1985
Seeking: David Papo - The Farmer
Seeking: Tony and John Daly (Ireland), Tapio Hiltunen (Finland), Dave Mothersole (England)
Christina Andersson, Swedish 1986
Seeking: Joanne Major
Darren Rowarth (Daz), English 1986
Seeking: Gordon And The Two English Girls Wh Worked For Basher
Darren York (Tojo), English 1986
Seeking: Shared A House With Dutchie & Simon & Good Times, Back In The Day.
Grzegorz Chruszcz, Polish 1986
Seeking: Martin Hewitt
Ingrid ****, Dutch 1986
Seeking: Simon Darren Guillaume Dutchie Everhart
John Isbister (Scottish Joh), Scottish 1986
Seeking: Tony Daly,irish John,martin,pete,julie,cleggy,
Pete Craven, English 1986
Seeking: Xxxxxxx
Lee Justice, English 1987
Seeking: Gibb, Tracy, Jesus Bob Grzegorz,or Those Who Know Us, From 86,87,88,89,90 But Not Tim Lane Coz Our Kidds Go 2 School Together.
Stuart Rooney, German 1987
Seeking: all my colombian and english friends anyone
Martin Fresen, South African 1988
Seeking: Joseph German Simon Wendy
Tim Lane, British 1988
Seeking: Jon Tourist Iom Dave
Yenny Patric Aragon Sarmi, Colombian 1988
Seeking: Per Erick Soren Person..pelle Swedish Man
Andrew Harper (Andy), English 1989
Seeking: Dan Janes
cesar peñuela (tito), 1989
Seeking: petra germany,rocio mancera,colombian
Yenny Patric Aragon Sarmi, Colombian 1989
Seeking: Pelle Per Eric Soren Person, Sweden

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