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Holiday & Travel, Expats & Backpackers & Kibbutz & Moshav Friends Reunited. Even Pen Pals & Red Coats are in.

Travel & Holiday Friends Reunited

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The following LostAmigos were in Kibbutz Palmach Tsuba around about 1973 +/- 14 years.

Susan Noyes, British 1985
Seeking: Roberto (italy) Hanny (ch) James N-P (uk) Pam (uk) Blake (uk) Aviva Martin (uk) Jo (uk) People On The Summer Ulpan 1985
Amy Shapiro, American 1986
Seeking: Andy Hurwitz Sylvia (s. Africa) Avril (s. Africa) Charlotte Lundis (denmark) Ian (uk) Barbara (uk) Israel (us) Petra (germany)
Amy Shapiro, American 1986
Seeking: Petra ? Charlotte Lundis Avril
Andrew Hurwitz (Andy), American 1986
Seeking: 1985 Anyone Who Was There From 1985/86 And 87/88 , Amy Shapiro , Carl Cowan , Dorothy Novak , Jerry , Simon Dalton , Rob And Tenny Jensen , Izzy The Hair Stylist
Bernard Domon, Swiss 1986
Seeking: Britta Schacht - Sabine Simon And Andrew
Seeking: Ian Fisher (Can) Varity (U.K.)

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