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Holiday & Travel, Expats & Backpackers & Kibbutz & Moshav Friends Reunited. Even Pen Pals & Red Coats are in.

Travel & Holiday Friends Reunited

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The following LostAmigos were in Kibbutz MaAbarot around about 1994 +/- 8 years.

Dagmar Wilbrink, English 1999
Seeking: Silvia Van Ham
Marije Montsma, Dutch 1999
Seeking: Maria (sweden) Emma (sweden) Charlotte (norway) Therese (sweden)
Adam Levy, English 2000
Seeking: Sam, Tamar, Ian And Meg From England , And Guro And The Rest Of The Girls From Norway , And Any One Else Who Knows Me
Charlotte Larsson (Tjollan), Sweden 2000
Seeking: Everyone!! Tais From Brasil Cristain From Denmark Sam From England And The Rest Of You!!!
Thais Carvalho (Thais), Brazilian 2000
Seeking: Charlot, Kristian, Oliver, Etc
Thais Carvalho (Thais), Brazilian 2000
Seeking: Charlot, Kristian, Oliver, Etc
Victoria Shelley (Vicki/vix), British 2000
Seeking: Everyone
Denise Abitia, Mexican 2001
Seeking: Barbara Lee Lim Edna
Denise Abitia, Mexican 2001
Seeking: Lee Lim Barbara
Linda Van Der Burg (Mammy), Dutch 2001
Seeking: !avi[israel]!, Eduardo[guatamala], Alex Klein[usa], Orli[australia], Kinga[poland] Lim/lee[korea] Matthew Fein[australia] Grant[south-Africa]
Santiago Aranda (Sant), Mexican 2001
Seeking: Linda, Lisa, Barbara, Lee, Lim, Itay,everyone Else Please

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