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Travel & Holiday Friends Reunited

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The following LostAmigos were in Kibbutz Kfar HaNassi around about 1972 +/- 8 years.

Andrea Gordon, English 1980
Seeking: Loretta, Sam, Helene, Don, Hymie
Don Mcgovern, American 1980
Seeking: Aliza Hatzor
Don Mcgovern, American 1980
Seeking: Aliza Hatzor
Helen Cooper, 1980
Loretta Lotman, American 1980
Seeking: Elisabeth, English, Blond W/burn Scar On Her Leg; Andrea, Who I Stayed With In London-Father Owned A Theatre; Steven Cass, Whose Father Wrote "summer Holiday;" Young British Woman Who Ballroom Danced & Wanted To Live In Paris And Wear Berets
Steve Butler, American 1980
Themis Scalco, Brazilian 1980
Seeking: Lila
Valerie Erbstein, American 1980
Seeking: Dianne Goldwasser South Africa Hilary (uk) Jill (uk)

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